Publications in scientific journals

The list of published articles and dissertations reflects the success of SFB 1313.

List of Publications within SFB 1313

  1. 2025

    1. Ghosh, T., Bringedal, C., Rohde, C., & Helmig, R. (2025). A phase-field approach to model evaporation from porous media: Modeling and upscaling. Advances in Water Resources, 199, 104922.
    2. Keim, L., & Class, H. (2025). Rayleigh Invariance Allows the Estimation of Effective CO2 Fluxes Due To Convective Dissolution Into Water‐Filled Fractures. Water Resources Research, 61(2), Article 2.
    3. Kröker, I., Brünnette, T., Wildt, N., Morales Oreamuno, M. F., Kohlhaas, R., Oladyshkin, S., & Nowak, W. (2025). Bayesian$^3$ active learning for regularized multi-resolution arbitrary polynomial chaos using information theory. International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification, 15(3), Article 3.
  2. 2024

    1. Aricò, C., Helmig, R., Puleo, D., & Schneider, M. (2024). A new numerical mesoscopic scale one-domain approach solver for free fluid/porous medium interaction. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 419, 116655.
    2. Boon, W. M., Gläser, D., Helmig, R., Weishaupt, K., & Yotov, I. (2024). A mortar method for the coupled Stokes-Darcy problem using the MAC scheme for Stokes and mixed finite elements for Darcy. Computational Geosciences, 28(3), Article 3.
    3. Bringedal, C., & Jaust, A. (2024). Phase-field modeling and effective simulation of non-isothermal reactive transport. Results in Applied Mathematics, 21, 100436.
    4. Brodbeck, M., Egli, F. S., Suditsch, M., Seyedpour, S. M., & Ricken, T. (2024). On the influence of non-linearity within two-phase poro-elasticity: Numerical examples and counterexamples. Examples and Counterexamples, 6, 100167.
    5. Brünnette, T., & Nowak, W. (2024). Efficient Inference for non-deterministic fractures. GeoENV2024 Book of Abstracts, 67--68.
    6. Buntic, I., Schneider, M., Flemisch, B., & Helmig, R. (2024). A fully-implicit solving approach to an adaptive multi-scale model -- coupling a vertical-equilibrium and full-dimensional model for compressible, multi-phase flow in porous media.
    7. Bursik, B., Eller, J., & Gross, J. (2024). Predicting Solvation Free Energies from the Minnesota Solvation Database Using Classical Density Functional Theory Based on the PC-SAFT Equation of State. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B.
    8. Coltman, E., Schneider, M., & Helmig, R. (2024). Data-Driven Closure Parametrizations with Metrics: Dispersive Transport.
    9. Gadirov, H., Roerdink, J. B. T. M., & Frey, S. (2024). FLINT: Learning-based Flow Estimation and Temporal Interpolation for Scientific Ensemble Visualization.
    10. Gao, H., Abdullah, H., Tatomir, A. B., Karadimitriou, N. K., Steeb, H., Zhou, D., Liu, Q., & Sauter, M. (2024). Pore-scale study of the effects of grain size on the capillary-associated interfacial area during primary drainage. Journal of Hydrology, 632, 130865.
    11. Hörl, M., & Rohde, C. (2024). Rigorous derivation of discrete fracture models for Darcy flow in the limit of vanishing aperture. Networks and Heterogeneous Media, 19(1), Article 1.
    12. Jannesarahmadi, S., Aminzadeh, M., Helmig, R., Or, D., & Shokri, N. (2024). Quantifying Salt Crystallization Impact on Evaporation Dynamics From Porous Surfaces. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(22), Article 22.
    13. Krach, D., Ruf, M., & Steeb, H. (2024). POREMAPS 1.0.0: Code, Benchmarks, Applications.
    14. Lee, D., Ruf, M., Karadimitriou, N., Steeb, H., Manousidaki, M., Varouchakis, E. A., Tzortzakis, S., & Yiotis, A. (2024). Development of stochastically reconstructed 3D porous media micromodels using additive manufacturing: numerical and experimental validation. Scientific Reports, 14(1), Article 1.
    15. Lipp, M. G. (2024). Capturing local details in fluid-flow simulations : options, challenges and applications using marker-and-cell schemes. Universität Stuttgart.
    16. Lohrmann, C., Holm, C., & Datta, S. S. (2024). Influence of bacterial swimming and hydrodynamics on attachment of phages. Soft Matter.
    17. Mel’nyk, T., & Rohde, C. (2024). Reduced-dimensional modelling for nonlinear convection-dominated flow in cylindric domains. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications NoDEA, 31(6), Article 6.
    18. Mel’nyk, T. A., & Rohde, C. (2024). Asymptotic approximations for semilinear parabolic convection-dominated transport problems in thin graph-like networks. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 529(1), Article 1.
    19. Mel’nyk, T., & Rohde, C. (2024). Asymptotic expansion for convection-dominated transport in a thin graph-like junction. Analysis and Applications, 22(05), Article 05.
    20. Mel’nyk, T., & Rohde, C. (2024). Puiseux asymptotic expansions for convection-dominated transport problems in thin graph-like networks: Strong boundary interactions. Asymptotic Analysis, 137(1–2), Article 1–2.
    21. Mel’nyk, T. A., & Durante, T. (2024). Spectral problems with perturbed Steklov conditions in thick junctions with branched structure. Applicable Analysis, 1–26.
    22. Nordbotten, J. M., Ferno, M. A., Flemisch, B., Kovscek, A. R., & Lie, K.-A. (2024). The 11th Society of Petroleum Engineers Comparative Solution Project: Problem Definition. SPE Journal, 1–18.
    23. Nordbotten, J. M., Fernø, M., Flemisch, B., Juanes, R., & Jørgensen, M. (2024). Experimentally assessing the uncertainty of forecasts of geological carbon storage. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 135, 104162.
    24. Nowak, W., Brünnette, T., Schalkers, M., & Möller, M. (2024). Overdispersion in gate tomography: Experiments and continuous, two-scale random walk model on the Bloch sphere. ACM Transactions on Quantum Computing, 5, 1–17.
    25. Pelzer, J., & Schulte, M. (2024). Efficient two-stage modeling of heat plume interactions of geothermal heat pumps in shallow aquifers using convolutional neural networks. Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 237, 212788.
    26. Schollenberger, T., von Wolff, L., Bringedal, C., Pop, I. S., Rohde, C., & Helmig, R. (2024). Investigation of Different Throat Concepts for Precipitation Processes in Saturated Pore-Network Models. Transport in Porous Media.
    27. Shokri, J., Ruf, M., Lee, D., Mohammadrezaei, S., Steeb, H., & Niasar, V. (2024). Exploring Carbonate Rock Dissolution Dynamics and the Influence of Rock Mineralogy in CO2 Injection. Environmental Science & Technology.
    28. Stierle, R., Bauer, G., Thiele, N., Bursik, B., Rehner, P., & Gross, J. (2024). Classical density functional theory in three dimensions with GPU-accelerated automatic differentiation: Computational performance analysis using the example of adsorption in covalent-organic frameworks. Chemical Engineering Science, 298, 120380.
    29. Straub, A., Sadlo, F., & Ertl, T. (2024). Feature-based deformation for flow visualization. Journal of Visualization.
    30. Tovey, S., Krippendorf, S., Spannowsky, M., Nikolaou, K., & Holm, C. (2024). Collective variables of neural networks: empirical time evolution and scaling laws.
    31. Vahid Dastjerdi, S., Karadimitriou, N., Hassanizadeh, S. M., & Steeb, H. (2024). Formation of Common Preferential Two‐Phase Displacement Pathways in Porous Media. Water Resources Research, 60(12), Article 12.
    32. Veyskarami, M., Bringedal, C., & Helmig, R. (2024). Modeling and Analysis of Droplet Evaporation at the Interface of a Coupled Free-Flow--Porous Medium System. Transport in Porous Media.
    33. Wachsmann, S. B., Ruf, M., Prinz, C., Oehlsen, N., Zhou, X., Dyballa, M., Arweiler, C., Leistner, P., Steeb, H., Garrecht, H., Laschat, S., & Stegbauer, L. (2024). Chitin/Chitosan Biocomposite Foams with Chitins from Different Organisms for Sound Absorption. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 12(32), Article 32.
    34. Wang, J., Sonntag, A., Lee, D., Xotta, G., Salomoni, V. A., Steeb, H., Wagner, A., & Ehlers, W. (2024). Modelling and simulation of natural hydraulic fracturing applied to experiments on natural sandstone cores. Acta Geotechnica, 19, 7709–7725.
    35. Wang, W., Zhang, X., Bezgin, D., Buhendwa, A., Chu, X., & Weigand, B. (2024). JAX-based differentiable fluid dynamics on GPU and end-to-end optimization.
    36. Yang, G., Xu, R., Tian, Y., Guo, S., Wu, J., & Chu, X. (2024). Data-driven methods for flow and transport in porous media: a review.
  3. 2023

    1. Ackermann, S., Fest-Santini, S., Veyskarami, M., Helmig, R., & Santini, M. (2023). Experimental validation of a coupling concept for drop formation and growth onto porous materials by high-resolution X-ray imaging technique. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 160, 104371.
    2. Boon, W. M., Gläser, D., Helmig, R., & Yotov, I. (2023). Flux-mortar mixed finite element methods with multipoint flux approximation. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 405, 115870.
    3. Burbulla, S., Formaggia, L., Rohde, C., & Scotti, A. (2023). Modeling fracture propagation in poro-elastic media combining phase-field and discrete fracture models. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 403, 115699.
    4. Burbulla, S., Hörl, M., & Rohde, C. (2023). Flow in Porous Media with Fractures of Varying Aperture. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 45(4), Article 4.
    5. Bürkner, P.-C., Kröker, I., Oladyshkin, S., & Nowak, W. (2023). A fully Bayesian sparse polynomial chaos expansion approach with joint priors on the coefficients and global selection of terms. Journal of Computational Physics, 488, 112210.
    6. Dastjerdi, S. V., Karadimitriou, N., Hassanizadeh, S. M., & Steeb, H. (2023). Experimental evaluation of fluid connectivity in two-phase flow in porous media. Advances in Water Resources, 104378.
    7. Eggenweiler, E., Nickl, J., & Rybak, I. (2023). Justification of Generalized Interface Conditions for Stokes--Darcy Problems. In E. Franck, J. Fuhrmann, V. Michel-Dansac, & L. Navoret (Eds.), Finite Volumes for Complex Applications X---Volume 1, Elliptic and Parabolic Problems (pp. 275--283). Springer Nature Switzerland.
    8. Ehlers, W. (2023). A historical review on porous-media research. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 23, e202300271.
    9. Flemisch, B., Nordbotten, J. M., Fernø, M., Juanes, R., Both, J. W., Class, H., Delshad, M., Doster, F., Ennis-King, J., Franc, J., Geiger, S., Gläser, D., Green, C., Gunning, J., Hajibeygi, H., Jackson, S. J., Jammoul, M., Karra, S., Li, J., … Zhang, Z. (2023). The FluidFlower Validation Benchmark Study for the Storage of CO\$\$\_2\$\$. Transport in Porous Media.
    10. Gander, M. J., Lunowa, S. B., & Rohde, C. (2023). Non-Overlapping Schwarz Waveform-Relaxation for Nonlinear Advection-Diffusion Equations. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 45(1), Article 1.
    11. Gao, H., Tatomir, A. B., Karadimitriou, N. K., Steeb, H., & Sauter, M. (2023). Effect of Pore Space Stagnant Zones on Interphase Mass Transfer in Porous Media, for Two-Phase Flow Conditions. Transport in Porous Media, 146(3), Article 3.
    12. Gao, H., Tatomir, A. B., Karadimitriou, N. K., Steeb, H., & Sauter, M. (2023). Reservoir characterization by push-pull tests employing kinetic interface sensitive tracers - a pore-scale study for understanding large-scale processes. Advances in Water Resources, 174, 104424.
    13. Gravelle, S., Haber-Pohlmeier, S., Mattea, C., Stapf, S., Holm, C., & Schlaich, A. (2023). NMR Investigation of Water in Salt Crusts: Insights from Experiments and Molecular Simulations. Langmuir, 39(22), Article 22.
    14. Hermann, F., Michalowski, A., Brünnette, T., Reimann, P., Vogt, S., & Graf, T. (2023). Data-Driven prediction and uncertainty quantification of process parameters for directed energy deposition. Materials, 16(23), Article 23.
    15. Härter, J., Martínez, D. S., Poser, R., Weigand, B., & Lamanna, G. (2023). Coupling between a turbulent outer flow and an adjacent porous medium: High resolved Particle Image Velocimetry measurements. Physics of Fluids, 35(2), Article 2.
    16. Karadimitriou, N., and Marios S. Valavanides, Mouravas, K., Steeb, H., & and. (2023). Flow-Dependent Relative Permeability Scaling for Steady-State Two-Phase Flow in Porous  Media: Laboratory Validation on a Microfluidic Network. Petrophysics – The SPWLA Journal of Formation Evaluation and Reservoir Description, 64(5), Article 5.
    17. Kiemle, S., Heck, K., Coltman, E., & Helmig, R. (2023). Stable Water Isotopologue Fractionation During Soil‐Water Evaporation: Analysis Using a Coupled Soil‐Atmosphere Model. Water Resources Research, 59(2), Article 2.
    18. Kohlhaas, R., Kröker, I., Oladyshkin, S., & Nowak, W. (2023). Gaussian active learning on multi-resolution arbitrary polynomial chaos emulator: concept for bias correction, assessment of surrogate reliability and its application to the carbon dioxide benchmark. Computational Geosciences, 27(3), Article 3.
    19. Kröker, I., Oladyshkin, S., & Rybak, I. (2023). Global sensitivity analysis using multi-resolution polynomial chaos expansion for coupled Stokes--Darcy flow problems. Computational Geosciences.
    20. Lee, D., Weinhardt, F., Hommel, J., Piotrowski, J., Class, H., & Steeb, H. (2023). Machine learning assists in increasing the time resolution of X-ray computed tomography applied to mineral precipitation in porous media. Scientific Reports, 13(1), Article 1.
    21. Liu, Y., Wang, W., Yang, G., Nemati, H., & Chu, X. (2023). The interfacial modes and modal causality in a dispersed bubbly turbulent flow. Physics of Fluids, 35(8), Article 8.
    22. Lohrmann, C., & Holm, C. (2023). Optimal motility strategies for self-propelled agents to explore porous media. Phys. Rev. E, 108(5), Article 5.
    23. Lohrmann, C., & Holm, C. (2023). A novel model for biofilm initiation in porous media flow. Soft Matter, 19(36), Article 36.
    24. Mohammadi, F., Eggenweiler, E., Flemisch, B., Oladyshkin, S., Rybak, I., Schneider, M., & Weishaupt, K. (2023). A surrogate-assisted uncertainty-aware Bayesian validation framework and its application to coupling free flow and porous-medium flow. Computational Geosciences.
    25. Mouris, K., Acuna Espinoza, E., Schwindt, S., Mohammadi, F., Haun, S., Wieprecht, S., & Oladyshkin, S. (2023). Stability criteria for Bayesian calibration of reservoir sedimentation models. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment.
    26. Oladyshkin, S., Praditia, T., Kroeker, I., Mohammadi, F., Nowak, W., & Otte, S. (2023). The deep arbitrary polynomial chaos neural network or how Deep Artificial Neural Networks could benefit from data-driven homogeneous chaos theory. Neural Networks, 166, 85--104.
    27. Ruf, M., Lee, D., & Steeb, H. (2023). A multifunctional mechanical testing stage for micro x-ray computed tomography. Review of Scientific Instruments, 94, 085115.
    28. Schmidt, P., Steeb, H., & Renner, J. (2023). Diagnosing Hydro-Mechanical Effects in Subsurface Fluid Flow Through Fractures. Pure and Applied Geophysics.
    29. Schneider, M., Gläser, D., Weishaupt, K., Coltman, E., Flemisch, B., & Helmig, R. (2023). Coupling staggered-grid and vertex-centered finite-volume methods for coupled porous-medium free-flow problems. Journal of Computational Physics, 482, 112042.
    30. Schwindt, S., Medrano, S. C., Mouris, K., Beckers, F., Haun, S., Nowak, W., Wieprecht, S., & Oladyshkin, S. (2023). Bayesian calibration points to misconceptions in three-dimensional hydrodynamic reservoir modeling. Water Resources Research.
    31. Sonntag, A. (2023). Partially saturated porous solids under dynamic hydraulic fracturing. Dissertation thesis, University of Stuttgart.
    32. Sonntag, A., Wagner, A., & Ehlers, W. (2023). Dynamic hydraulic fracturing in partially saturated porous media. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 414, 116121.
    33. Strohbeck, P., Eggenweiler, E., & Rybak, I. (2023). A Modification of the Beavers--Joseph Condition for Arbitrary Flows to the Fluid--porous Interface. Transport in Porous Media, 147(3), Article 3.
    34. Strohbeck, P., Riethmüller, C., Göddeke, D., & Rybak, I. (2023). Robust and Efficient Preconditioners for Stokes--Darcy Problems. In E. Franck, J. Fuhrmann, V. Michel-Dansac, & L. Navoret (Eds.), Finite Volumes for Complex Applications X---Volume 1, Elliptic and Parabolic Problems (pp. 375--383). Springer Nature Switzerland.
    35. Taghizadeh, K., Ruf, M., Luding, S., & Steeb, H. (2023). X-ray 3D imaging–based microunderstanding of granular mixtures: Stiffness enhancement by adding small fractions of soft particles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(26), Article 26.
    36. Tatomir, A., Gao, H., Abdullah, H., Pötzl, C., Karadimitriou, N., Steeb, H., Licha, T., Class, H., Helmig, R., & Sauter, M. (2023). Estimation of Capillary-Associated NAPL-Water Interfacial Areas for Unconsolidated Porous Media by Kinetic Interface Sensitive (KIS) Tracer Method. Water Resources Research, 59(12), Article 12.
    37. Tobias Köppl, R. H. (2023). Dimension Reduced Modeling of Blood Flow in Large Arteries. Springer Cham.
    38. Trivedi, Z., Gehweiler, D., Wychowaniec, J. K., Ricken, T., Gueorguiev, B., Wagner, A., & Röhrle, O. (2023). A continuum mechanical porous media model for vertebroplasty: Numerical simulations and experimental validation. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 22, 1253–1266.
    39. Trivedi, Z., Gehweiler, D., Wychowaniec, J. K., Ricken, T., Gueorguiev, B., Wagner, A., & Röhrle, O. (2023). Analysing the bone cement flow in the injection apparatus during vertebroplasty. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 23, e202200295.
    40. Trivedi, Z., Gehweiler, D., Wychowaniec, J. K., Ricken, T., Gueorguiev-Rüegg, B., Wagner, A., & Röhrle, O. (2023). Analysing the bone cement flow in the injection apparatus during vertebroplasty. PAMM, 23(1), Article 1.
    41. Veyskarami, M., Michalkowski, C., Bringedal, C., & Helmig, R. (2023). Droplet Formation, Growth and Detachment at the Interface of a Coupled Free-FLow--Porous Medium System: A New Model Development and Comparison. Transport in Porous Media.
    42. Völter, J.-S. L., Ricken, T., & Röhrle, O. (2023). About the applicability of the theory of porous media for the modelling of non-isothermal material injection into porous structures. PAMM, 23(1), Article 1.
    43. Wagner, A., Sonntag, A., Reuschen, S., Nowak, W., & Ehlers, W. (2023). Hydraulically induced fracturing in heterogeneous porous media using a TPM-phase-field model and geostatistics. PAMM, 23, e202200118.
    44. Wieboldt, R., Lindt, K., Pohlmeier, A., Mattea, C., Stapf, S., & Haber-Pohlmeier, S. (2023). Effects of Salt Precipitation in the Topmost Soil Layer Investigated by NMR. Applied Magnetic Resonance.
    45. Wu, H., Veyskarami, M., Schneider, M., & Helmig, R. (2023). A New Fully Implicit Two-Phase Pore-Network Model by Utilizing Regularization Strategies. Transport in Porous Media.
    46. Zhuang, L., Hassanizadeh, S. M., & Qin, C.-Z. (2023). Experimental determination of in-plane permeability of nonwoven thin fibrous materials. Textile Research Journal, 93(19–20), Article 19–20.
  4. 2022

    1. Ahmadi, N., Muniruzzaman, M., Sprocati, R., Heck, K., Mosthaf, K., & Rolle, M. (2022). Coupling soil/atmosphere interactions and geochemical processes: A multiphase and multicomponent reactive transport approach. Advances in Water Resources, 104303.
    2. Bringedal, C. (2022). Multiscale modeling and simulation of transport processes in porous media. Universität Stuttgart.
    3. Bringedal, C., Schollenberger, T., Pieters, G. J. M., van Duijn, C. J., & Helmig, R. (2022). Evaporation-Driven Density Instabilities in Saturated Porous Media. Transport in Porous Media.
    4. Burbulla, S., Dedner, A., Hörl, M., & Rohde, C. (2022). Dune-MMesh: The Dune Grid Module for Moving Interfaces. Journal of Open Source Software, 7(74), Article 74.
    5. Burbulla, S., & Rohde, C. (2022). A finite-volume moving-mesh method for two-phase flow in fracturing porous media. Journal of Computational Physics, 111031.
    6. Cheng, K., Lu, Z., Xiao, S., Oladyshkin, S., & Nowak, W. (2022). Mixed covariance function Kriging model for uncertainty quantification. International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification, 12(3), Article 3.
    7. Eggenweiler, E., Discacciati, M., & Rybak, I. (2022). Analysis of the Stokes-Darcy problem with generalised interface conditions. ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 56, 727–742.
    8. Ehlers, W., Sonntag, A., & Wagner, A. (2022). On Hydraulic Fracturing in Fully and Partially Saturated Brittle Porous Material (F. Aldakheel, B. Hudobivnik, M. Soleimani, H. Wessels, C. Weißenfels, & M. Marino, Eds.; pp. 111--119). Springer Cham.\_12
    9. Eurich, L., Schott, R., Shahmoradi, S., Wagner, A., Borja, R. I., Roth-Nebelsick, A., & Ehlers, W. (2022). A thermodynamically consistent quasi-double-porosity thermo-hydro-mechanical model for cell dehydration of plant tissues at subzero temperatures. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 92, 529–557.
    10. Frey, S. (2022). Optimizing Grid Layouts for Level-of-Detail Exploration of Large Data Collections. Computer Graphics Forum, 41(3), Article 3.
    11. Gander, M. J., Lunowa, S. B., & Rohde, C. (2022). Consistent and Asymptotic-Preserving Finite-Volume Robin Transmission Conditions for Singularly Perturbed Elliptic Equations. In S. C. Brenner, E. Chung, A. Klawonn, F. Kwok, J. Xu, & J. Zou (Eds.), Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXVI (pp. 443--450). Springer International Publishing.
    12. Gonzalez-Nicolas, A., Bilgic, D., Kröker, I., Mayar, A., Trevisan, L., Steeb, H., Wieprecht, S., & Nowak, W. (2022). Optimal exposure time in gamma-ray attenuation experiments for monitoring time-dependent densities. Transport in Porous Media, 143, 463–496.
    13. Gravelle, S., Beyer, D., Brito, M., Schlaich, A., & Holm, C. (2022). Reconstruction of NMR Relaxation Rates from Coarse-Grained Polymer Simulations.
    14. Gravelle, S., Holm, C., & Schlaich, A. (2022). Transport of thin water films: from thermally activated random walks to hydrodynamics. The Journal of Chemical Physics.
    15. Hommel, J., Gehring, L., Weinhardt, F., Ruf, M., & Steeb, H. (2022). Effects of Enzymatically Induced Carbonate Precipitation on Capillary Pressure–Saturation Relations. Minerals, 12(10), Article 10.
    16. Kloker, L. H., & Bringedal, C. (2022). Solution approaches for evaporation-driven density instabilities in a slab of saturated porous media. Physics of Fluids, 34(9), Article 9.
    17. Koch, T. (2022). Projection-based resolved interface 1D-3D mixed-dimension method for embedded tubular network systems. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 109, 15--29.
    18. Kröker, I., & Oladyshkin, S. (2022). Arbitrary multi-resolution multi-wavelet-based polynomial chaos expansion for data-driven uncertainty quantification. Reliability Engineering &amp$\mathsemicolon$ System Safety, 108376.
    19. Kurzeja, P., & Steeb, H. (2022). Acoustic waves in saturated porous media with gas bubbles. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society.
    20. Lee, D., Karadimitriou, N., Ruf, M., & Steeb, H. (2022). Detecting micro fractures: a comprehensive comparison of conventional and machine-learning-based segmentation methods. Solid Earth, 13(9), Article 9.
    21. Lunowa, S. B., Mascini, A., Bringedal, C., Bultreys, T., Cnudde, V., & Pop, I. S. (2022). Dynamic Effects during the Capillary Rise of Fluids in Cylindrical Tubes. Langmuir, 38(5), Article 5.
    22. Michalkowski, C., Veyskarami, M., Bringedal, C., Helmig, R., & Schleper, V. (2022). Two-phase Flow Dynamics at the Interface Between GDL and Gas Distributor Channel Using a Pore-Network Model. Transport in Porous Media.
    23. Michalkowski, C., Weishaupt, K., Schleper, V., & Helmig, R. (2022). Modeling of Two Phase Flow in a Hydrophobic Porous Medium Interacting with a Hydrophilic Structure. Transport in Porous Media.
    24. Schmidt, F., Krüger, M., Keip, M.-A., & Hesch, C. (2022). Computational homogenization of higher-order continua. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, n/a(n/a), Article n/a.
    25. Schmidt, P., Jaust, A., Steeb, H., & Schulte, M. (2022). Simulation of flow in deformable fractures using a quasi-Newton based partitioned coupling approach. Computational Geosciences.
    26. Scholz, L., & Bringedal, C. (2022). A Three-Dimensional Homogenization Approach for Effective Heat Transport in Thin Porous Media. Transport in Porous Media.
    27. Seus, D., Radu, F. A., & Rohde, C. (2022). Towards hybrid two-phase modelling using linear domain decomposition. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations.
    28. Sharmin, S., Bastidas, M., Bringedal, C., & Pop, I. S. (2022). Upscaling a Navier-Stokes-Cahn-Hilliard model for two-phase porous-media flow with solute-dependent surface tension effects. Applicable Analysis, 0(0), Article 0.
    29. Straub, A., Boblest, S., Karch, G. K., Sadlo, F., & Ertl, T. (2022). Droplet-Local Line Integration for Multiphase Flow. 2022 IEEE Visualization and Visual Analytics (VIS), 135–139.
    30. Swamynathan, S., Jobst, S., Kienle, D., & Keip, M.-A. (2022). Phase-field modeling of fracture in strain-hardening elastomers: Variational formulation, multiaxial experiments and validation. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 108303.
    31. Valavanides, M. S., Karadimitriou, N., & Steeb, H. (2022). Flow Dependent Relative Permeability Scaling for Steady-State Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media: Laboratory Validation on a Microfluidic Network. In SPWLA Annual Logging Symposium: Vol. Day 5 Wed, June 15, 2022.
    32. van Westen, T., Hammer, M., Hafskjold, B., Aasen, A., Gross, J., & Wilhelmsen, Ø. (2022). Perturbation theories for fluids with short-ranged attractive forces: A case study of the Lennard-Jones spline fluid. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 156(10), Article 10.
    33. von Wolff, L., & Pop, I. S. (2022). Upscaling of a Cahn–Hilliard Navier–Stokes model with precipitation and dissolution in a thin strip. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 941, A49--. 10.1017/jfm.2022.308
    34. Walczak, M. S., Erfani, H., Karadimitriou, N. K., Zarikos, I., Hassanizadeh, S. M., & Niasar, V. (2022). Experimental Analysis of Mass Exchange Across a Heterogeneity Interface: Role of Counter-Current Transport and Non-Linear Diffusion. Water Resources Research, 58(6), Article 6.
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  5. 2021

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    7. Chu, X., Wang, W., Müller, J., Von Schöning, H., Liu, Y., & Weigand, B. (2021). Turbulence Modulation and Energy Transfer in Turbulent Channel Flow Coupled with One-Side Porous Media. In W. E. Nagel, D. H. Kröner, & M. M. Resch (Eds.), High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ’20 (pp. 373--386). Springer International Publishing.
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    9. Eggenweiler, E., & Rybak, I. (2021). Effective coupling conditions for arbitrary flows in Stokes-Darcy systems. Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, 19(2), Article 2.
    10. Ehlers, W., Sonntag, A., & Wagner, A. (2021). Hydraulic fracturing under fully and partially saturated conditions. Published in Accordance with the Decision of the Academic Council of the State Higher Educational Institution ``Donetsk National Technical University’’, 1, 47–51.
    11. Eller, J., & Gross, J. (2021). Free-Energy-Averaged Potentials for Adsorption in Heterogeneous Slit Pores Using PC-SAFT Classical Density Functional Theory. Langmuir.
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    14. Frey, S., Scheller, S., Karadimitriou, N., Lee, D., Reina, G., Steeb, H., & Ertl, T. (2021). Visual Analysis of Two-Phase Flow Displacement Processes in Porous Media. Computer Graphics Forum, n/a(n/a), Article n/a.
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    16. Gläser, D., Schneider, M., Flemisch, B., & Helmig, R. (2021). Comparison of cell- and vertex-centered finite-volume schemes for flow in fractured porous media. Journal of Computational Physics, 110715.
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    19. Koch, T., Gläser, D., Weishaupt, K., Ackermann, S., Beck, M., Becker, B., Burbulla, S., Class, H., Coltman, E., Emmert, S., Fetzer, T., Grüninger, C., Heck, K., Hommel, J., Kurz, T., Lipp, M., Mohammadi, F., Scherrer, S., Schneider, M., … Flemisch, B. (2021). DuMux 3 – an open-source simulator for solving flow and transport problems in porous media with a focus on model coupling. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 81, 423–443.
    20. Koch, T., Weishaupt, K., Müller, J., Weigand, B., & Helmig, R. (2021). A (Dual) Network Model for Heat Transfer in Porous Media. Transport in Porous Media.
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    34. Sonntag, A., Wagner, A., & Ehlers, W. (2021). Modelling fluid-driven fractures for partially saturated porous materials. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 20, e202000033.
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    37. von Wolff, L., Weinhardt, F., Class, H., Hommel, J., & Rohde, C. (2021). Investigation of Crystal Growth in Enzymatically Induced Calcite Precipitation by Micro-Fluidic Experimental Methods and Comparison with Mathematical Modeling. Transport in Porous Media.
    38. Wagner, A. (2021). Continuum Mechanics of Multicomponent Materials - Modelling, Numerics and Applications for Biological Materials in the Framework of the Theory of Porous Media. Habilitation thesis, University of Stuttgart.
    39. Wagner, A., Eggenweiler, E., Weinhardt, F., Trivedi, Z., Krach, D., Lohrmann, C., Jain, K., Karadimitriou, N., Bringedal, C., Voland, P., Holm, C., Class, H., Steeb, H., & Rybak, I. (2021). Permeability Estimation of Regular Porous Structures: A Benchmark for Comparison of Methods. Transport in Porous Media, 138, 1–23.
    40. Wang, W. (王文康), Yang, G. (杨光), Evrim, C., Terzis, A., Helmig, R., & Chu, X. (初旭). (2021). An assessment of turbulence transportation near regular and random permeable interfaces. Physics of Fluids, 33(11), Article 11.
    41. Weinhardt, F., Class, H., Dastjerdi, S. V., Karadimitriou, N., Lee, D., & Steeb, H. (2021). Experimental Methods and Imaging for Enzymatically Induced Calcite Precipitation in a Microfluidic Cell. Water Resources Research, 57(3), Article 3.
    42. Weishaupt, K., & Helmig, R. (2021). A dynamic and fully implicit non-isothermal, two-phase, two-component pore-network model coupled to single-phase free flow for the pore-scale description of evaporation processes. Water Resources Research.
    43. Xiao, S., Xu, T., Reuschen, S., Nowak, W., & Hendricks Franssen, H.-J. (2021). Bayesian Inversion of multi-Gaussian log-conductivity fields with uncertain hyperparameters: An extension of preconditioned Crank-Nicolson Markov Chain Monte Carlo with parallel tempering. Water Resources Research, 57, e2021WR030313.
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  6. 2020

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    14. Eggenweiler, E., & Rybak, I. (2020). Interface Conditions for Arbitrary Flows in Coupled Porous-Medium and Free-Flow Systems. In R. Klöfkorn, E. Keilegavlen, F. Radu, & J. Fuhrmann (Eds.), Finite Volumes for Complex Applications IX - Methods,Theoretical Aspects, Examples (Vol. 323, pp. 345--353). Springer International Publishing.
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    50. Weishaupt, K., Terzis, A., Zarikos, I., Yang, G., Flemisch, B., de Winter, D. A. M., & Helmig, R. (2020). A Hybrid-Dimensional Coupled Pore-Network/Free-Flow Model Including Pore-Scale Slip and Its Application to a Micromodel Experiment. Transport in Porous Media.
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  7. 2019

    1. Beck, M., & Class, H. (2019). Modelling fault reactivation with characteristic stress-drop terms. Advances in Geosciences, 49, 1--7.
    2. Chu, X., Yang, G., Pandey, S., & Weigand, B. (2019). Direct numerical simulation of convective heat transfer in porous media. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 133, 11--20.
    3. Ehlers, W., & Wagner, A. (2019). Modelling and simulation methods applied to coupled problems in porous-media mechanics. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 89, 609–628.
    4. Eurich, L., Shahmoradi, S., Wagner, A., Borja, R., & Ehlers, W. (2019). Simulating plant-cell dehydration using a double-porosity formulation based on the Theory of Porous Media. PAMM, 19(1), Article 1.
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    6. Karadimitriou, N. K., Mahani, H., Steeb, H., & Niasar, V. (2019). Nonmonotonic Effects of Salinity on Wettability Alteration and Two-Phase Flow Dynamics in PDMS Micromodels. Water Resources Research.
    7. Kienle, D., Aldakheel, F., & Keip, M.-A. (2019). A finite-strain phase-field approach to ductile failure of frictional materials. International Journal of Solids and Structures.
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    9. Köppel, M., Martin, V., Jaffré, J., & Roberts, J. E. (2019). A Lagrange multiplier method for a discrete fracture model for flow in porous media. Computational Geosciences, 23(2), Article 2.
    10. Lee, M., Szuttor, K., & Holm, C. (2019). A computational model for bacterial run-and-tumble motion. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 150(17), Article 17.
    11. Oladyshkin, S., & Nowak, W. (2019). The Connection between Bayesian Inference and Information Theory for Model Selection, Information Gain and Experimental Design. Entropy, 21(11), Article 11.
    12. Steeb, H., & Renner, J. (2019). Mechanics of Poro-Elastic Media: A Review with Emphasis on Foundational State Variables. Transport in Porous Media.
    13. Teichtmeister, S., Mauthe, S., & Miehe, C. (2019). Aspects of finite element formulations for the coupled problem of poroelasticity based on a canonical minimization principle. Computational Mechanics.
    14. Terzis, A., Zarikos, I., Weishaupt, K., Yang, G., Chu, X., Helmig, R., & Weigand, B. (2019). Microscopic velocity field measurements inside a regular porous medium adjacent to a low Reynolds number channel flow. Physics of Fluids, 31(4), Article 4.
    15. Trivedi, Z., Bleiler, C., Wagner, A., & Röhrle, O. (2019). A parametric permeability study for a simplified vertebra based on regular microstructures. PAMM, 19(1), Article 1.
    16. Weishaupt, K., Joekar-Niasar, V., & Helmig, R. (2019). An efficient coupling of free flow and porous media flow using the pore-network modeling approach. Journal of Computational Physics: X, 1.
    17. Xiao, S., Reuschen, S., Köse, G., Oladyshkin, S., & Nowak, W. (2019). Estimation of small failure probabilities based on thermodynamic integration and parallel tempering. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 133, 106248.
    18. Yang, G., Coltman, E., Weishaupt, K., Terzis, A., Helmig, R., & Weigand, B. (2019). On the Beavers--Joseph Interface Condition for Non-parallel Coupled Channel Flow over a Porous Structure at High Reynolds Numbers. Transport in Porous Media.
    19. Yang, G., Terzis, A., Zarikos, I., Hassanizadeh, S. M., Weigand, B., & Helmig, R. (2019). Internal flow patterns of a droplet pinned to the hydrophobic surfaces of a confined microchannel using micro-PIV and VOF simulations. Chemical Engineering Journal, 370, 444--454.
    20. Yang, G., Vaikuntanathan, V., Terzis, A., Cheng, X., Weigand, B., & Helmig, R. (2019). Impact of a Linear Array of Hydrophilic and Superhydrophobic Spheres on a Deep Water Pool. Colloids Interfaces, 3(1), Article 1.
    21. Yin, X., Zarikos, I., Karadimitriou, N. K., Raoof, A., & Hassanizadeh, S. M. (2019). Direct simulations of two-phase flow experiments of different geometry complexities using Volume-of-Fluid (VOF) method. Chemical Engineering Science, 195, 820--827.
  8. 2018

    1. Chu, X., Weigand, B., & Vaikuntanathan, V. (2018). Flow turbulence topology in regular porous media: From macroscopic to microscopic scale with direct numerical simulation. Physics of Fluids, 30(6), Article 6.
    2. Cunningham, A. B., Class, H., Ebigbo, A., Gerlach, R., Phillips, A. J., & Hommel, J. (2018). Field-scale modeling of microbially induced calcite precipitation. Computational Geosciences.
    3. Frey, S. (2018). Spatio-Temporal Contours from Deep Volume Raycasting. Computer Graphics Forum, 37(3), Article 3.
    4. Gralka, P., Grottel, S., Staib, J., Schatz, K., Karch, G. K., Hirschler, M., Krone, M., Reina, G., Gumhold, S., & Ertl, T. (2018). 2016 IEEE Scientific Visualization Contest Winner: Visual and Structural Analysis of Point-based Simulation Ensembles. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 38(3), Article 3.
    5. Hommel, J., Coltman, E., & Class, H. (2018). Porosity--Permeability Relations for Evolving Pore Space: A Review with a Focus on (Bio-)geochemically Altered Porous Media. Transport in Porous Media, 124(2), Article 2.
    6. Sauer, E., Terzis, A., Theiss, M., Weigand, B., & Gross, J. (2018). Prediction of Contact Angles and Density Profiles of Sessile Droplets Using Classical Density Functional Theory Based on the PCP-SAFT Equation of State. Langmuir, 34(42), Article 42.
    7. Schneider, M., Gläser, D., Flemisch, B., & Helmig, R. (2018). Comparison of finite-volume schemes for diffusion problems. Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Revue d’IFP Energies Nouvelles, 73, 82.
    8. Seus, D., Mitra, K., Pop, I. S., Radu, F. A., & Rohde, C. (2018). A linear domain decomposition method for partially saturated flow in porous media. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 333, 331--355.
    9. Yang, G., Weigand, B., Terzis, A., Weishaupt, K., & Helmig, R. (2018). Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Flow and Heat Transfer in a Three-Dimensional Channel Coupled with Flow Through Porous Structures. Transport in Porous Media, 122(1), Article 1.
    10. Zhang, H., Frey, S., Steeb, H., Uribe, D., Ertl, T., & Wang, W. (2018). Visualization of Bubble Formation in Porous Media. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 1–1.
  9. 2017

    1. Frey, S., & Ertl, T. (2017). Flow-Based Temporal Selection for Interactive Volume Visualization. Computer Graphics Forum, 36(8), Article 8.
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