Internal Research Projects

Internal research projects

About the projects

Internal research projects are partly funded by SFB 1313 to answer newly arising scientific questions complementary to the work in the research projects of SFB 1313.

List of former Internal Research Projects

Efficient iterative solution methods for coupled free-flow and porous-media flow problems

Further information about project I-01

Iterative solvers for ill-conditioned nonsymmetric monolithic systems

Further information about project I-02

Discrete fracture models for flow, transport and deformation, and application to integrity studies of radioactive waste disposal

Further Information about project I-03

 Evaporation and isotopologue transport under the influence of surface roughness

Further Information about project I-04

Fast Field Cycling Relaxometry: A valid tool to study molecular dynamics in salt precipitates

Further information about project I-05

Developing an experimental protocol for microfluidic experiments with biofilms from S. Pasteurii

Further information about project I-06

Review of certain grid refinement methods for the Navier-Stokes equations

Further Information about project I-07

Derivation of dimensionally-reduced models for two-phase flow in junctions

Further Information about project I-08

Multi-scale Data-driven Parameterizations for Coupled Freeflow Porous Media Flow Systems

Further Information about project I-09

Testing and improving solution procedures for the modelling carbonate precipitation and dissolution in karst

Further Information about project I-10

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