Associated Researchers

Associated researcher work on research topics closely linked to SFB 1313 but are not financed by SFB 1313

Associated researchers

Researchers located at the University of Stuttgart working in the field of porous media can apply for membership in SFB 1313. Their projects are not financed by SFB 1313 but they still work closely together with SFB 1313 and can participate in all events organised by SFB 1313. 

Doctoral researcher working in the field of porous media can apply for associated membership in the graduate school of SFB 1313 (IRTG-IMPM) if their advisor is a member of SFB 1313. More information can be found here.


List of current associated researchers and their projects

Project ID Associated
Principal Investigator Title:  

Anna Mareike Kostelecky

Rainer Helmig

Modeling and analysis of non-isothermal processes at the interface between free- and porous media flow more information
Advancing model concepts for engineered calcium carbonate precipitation with focus on multiple driving processes, temperature influence, and two-phase flow
more information
Investigation of salt-precipitation processes in coupled porous-media free-flow systems – a detailed consideration at the pore-scale
more information
Modelling hydraulic and poro-mechanical effects related to induced calcite precipitation
more information
Numerical analysis of evaporation and salt precipitation on the REV scale
more information
GAS-REACT: GAS interchange and REACTive processes in coupled subsurface/atmosphere systems(HE 9610/CL 190))
more information
Surrogate Models for Groundwater Flow Simulations
more information



List of former associated researchers and their projects

Project ID Associated
Principal Investigator Title:  

Hamed Aslannejad

Majid Hassanizadeh

PrintMed: Printing personalised medicines on demand more information

Melanie Lipp

Rainer Helmig

Grids and solvers for the free-flow regime in the context of coupling free flow with porous-media flow more information

Edward Coltman

Rainer Helmig

Exchange Processes at the Soil-Atmosphere Interface: Modelling and Numerical Analysis more information

Cynthia Michalkowski

Rainer Helmig

Modeling the Liquid Water Transport Through the Porous Layers - On the Cathode Side of a Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell (PEM FC) more information

Dennis Gläser

Bernd Flemisch

Rainer Helmig

Holger Class

Hybrid-dimensional discrete fracture modeling of flow, transport and deformation more information

Simon Emmert

Holger Class

Robin Gerlach

Developping and calibrating a numerical model for Microbially Enhanced Coal-Bed Methane (MECBM) production more information
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