Welcome to our SFB 1313 guest Boris Jammernegg from the Montanuniversität Leoben (Austria). He will stay at the Department of Hydromechanics and Modelling of Hydrosystems (LH2) of te University of Stuttgart from 7 to 25 November 2022.
Since January 2021, Boris Jammernegg has been a doctoral student at the Chair of "Reservoir Engineering" at the Montanuniversität Leoben (group of Prof. Holger Ott). Within his stay in Stuttgart, he plans to develop a numerical simulator for geological CO2 storage. A module describing salt precipitation due to supercritical CO2 injection into a saline aquifer is not available to date. Current simulators do not adequately describe the issue. In collaboration with SFB 1313 principal investigator Bernd Flemisch he plans to achieve realistic predictions by implementing the reaction kinetics or the mass transfer between the saline solution and the injected supercritical CO2.