Ten-day research stay by Tora Jørgensdatter Torvund and Julie Xuefei Hodneland from the Porous Media Group Bergen

October 16, 2024 / sas

Tora Jørgensdatter Torvund and Julie Xuefei Hodneland are students from the University of Bergen (Norway). From 16.10.2024 to 24.10.2024 they will visit the Chair of Hydromechanics and Hydrosystem Modelling.

Julie Hodneland is a master's student in Applied and Computational Mathematics at the University of Bergen, Norway. She is currently writing her master's thesis on factors impacting water injectivity. This includes studying how grid resolution affects predicted injection rates, and also the effect fractures have on injectivity.

Tora Jørgensdatter Torvund is a student in the same research group as Julie, namely the Porous Media Group at the University of Bergen. She is in her final year of a five-year integrated energy engineering program, working on her master’s thesis in the field of underground geological CO2 storage. The thesis aims to combine two mathematical models: One for the water evaporation when CO2 is injected into a reservoir where there is water, and one for salt precipitation in the same system.

By visiting the Department of Hydromechanics and Modelling of Hydrosystems, Julie and Tora want to gain an insight into the research projects in Stuttgart. They will have in-depth discussions with staff from the IWS and SFB 1313 and visit the local laboratories.

We thank Julie and Tora for their visit and wish them a great time with our research group!

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