Sergey Oladyshkin, researcher at the Department of Stochastic Simulation and Safety Research for Hydrosystems (LS3), has been appointed as extraordinary Professor (apl. Prof.) at the request of the Stuttgart Center for Simulation Science (SC SimTech) and the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering. In addition to his work at the LS3, he is also a Principal Investigator in the Collaborative Research Center SFB 1313 and a Participating Researcher in the Cluster of Excellence EXC 2075 "Data-integrated Simulation Science".
A extraordinary professorship is an honorary title that is awarded to scientists who have demonstrably rendered outstanding services to research and teaching. Sergey Oladyshkin has developed an independent research profile that has received much national and international attention. His main focus is on uncertainty analysis and optimization of complex systems using model reduction.
We congratulate Sergey Oladyshkin on his appointment.

Sergey Oladyshkin
apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing.Principal Investigator, Research Project D03