16 pupils of the 9th grade of the Limes Gymnasium in Welzheim visited the University of Stuttgart on February 20, 2020 within their Junior Engineering Academy* to get an insight into STEM disciplines. The 2-hour workshop started with a general introduction. Sigrid Eicken from the Gender Equality Office presented the University of Stuttgart, the different programs for pupils and future student, the Campus Tours, TryScience, Girls’ Day etc.
After the introduction the porous media workshop started. SFB 1313 doctoral researcher Johannes Müller from the Institute of Aerospace Thermodynamics (ITLR) introduced the pupils into the world of porous media and showed them where to find them in our everyday lives. Afterwards he and Christoph Lohrmann from the Institute for Computational Physics (ICP) showed them some examples of their research, why their research is important and for which possible applications their research can make a contribution in the future.
After the theoretical part, the pupils could experiment with porous media themselves and understand their properties, such as capillary forces, porosity, permeability etc.
* Every year, the Limes Gymnasium in Welzheim offeres to ninth-graders to participate at the Junior Engineering Academy. Pupils, interested in STEM subjects meet every Thursday and visit different institutions, companies etc.