The new issue of Forschung Leben, the magazine of the University of Stuttgart, is out with the topic "Public Engagement. Jointly create science". SFB 1313 contributed with an article about its public science exhibition “Pretty Porous – Alles Porös”, shown in summer 2020 at the Planetarium Stuttgart, and its interdisciplinary cooperation and exhibition team.
Forschung Leben | Public Engagement (Issue March 2022)
Print article: "Von Plastik zum menschlichen Haar" (DE) | Daniel Völpel | pp 54-55
SFB 1313 spokesman Rainer Helmig (research projects A02 and C02), Thomas Ertl (research project D01and project Ö/public relations) and Patrizia Ambrisi (coordinator of project Ö/public relations) initiated and coordinated the exhibition. They explain the background of the porous media exhibition, why porous media research – a topic that often receives only little public attention – is important to society and how the research benefits to society.
Exhibition webpage:

Rainer Helmig
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. h.c.Principal Investigator, Former Spokesperson, Research Projects A02, A05, and C02

Thomas Ertl
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dr. techn. h.c. Dr.-Ing. E.h.Alumnus: Principal Investigator, Research Project D01, Project Ö

Patrizia Ambrisi
M.A.Public Relations and Science Communication | SFB 1313