UPDATE: Unfortunately, the workshop has to be postponed to March, 3 2022. In March, the workshop will be offered in presence.
Environmental Engineering and Simulation Technology
You don’t know exactly what to study after your graduation? You are considering studying in the field of natural sciences or engineering but you need more information for your decision? We offer you a TryScience workshop to gain insights into two different study programs "Environmental Engineering" and "Simulation Technology" at the University of Stuttgart. It gives you the possibility to explore how the combination of experiments and simulations with computer models help to understand invisible environmental processes, such as salinization and evaporation.
TryScience Workshop: "Climate Change: Droughts and Salinization"
One of the consequences of climate change is increasing global warming. Warmer temperatures on the earth's surface lead to changed weather conditions. Storms, heavy rain and droughts are no longer rare. What happens when rainfall decreases? Soils dry out, form deep cracks and require irrigation for agriculture. In certain areas, this can lead to the formation of large salt crusts that make the soil infertile for agriculture. For example, in very dry regions in Tunisia or Israel.
The causes of soil salinization are quite diverse. For example, the use of saline water for irrigation can be one of the causes. However, there are also salts in the soils themselves, which are brought to the surface by irrigation and evaporation. Salt crusts make the soil infertile and plant growth impossible.
Workshop Programme
In our workshop, we will show you what "salinization" is and how salt crusts can form on soils or salt lakes in very dry areas. We show you, which physical forces play a major role in dry soils and how soil salinization can be prevented. Therefore, we want to experiment with you and create a simulation together to make invisible environmental processes visible. During an environmental quiz you will learn more about the environmental issue of salinization.
For our workshop, no prior knowledge is mandatory. We will send you all necessary information in advance as well as experimental equipment with which you shall experiment at home. At the end of the workshop, you will of course have enough time to ask us all your questions on studying "Environmental Engineering" and "Simulation Technology" at the University of Stuttgart and find out everything about living and working on campus. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our contact persons.
We are looking forward experimenting and simulating with you!
Workshop Details
Workshop: "Climate Change: Droughts and Salinization"
Date: 4 November 2021
Location: The workshop will be held online
Time: 1:30 - 5 pm
Organisers: The SFB 1313 TryScience Workshop "Climate Change: Droughts and Salinization" is organised by the Forschungszentrum Jülich and the Department of Hydromechanics and Modelling of Hydrosystems (LH2) of the University of Stuttgart
More information about the TryScience programme of the University of Stuttgart

J. A. (Sander) Huisman
Prof. Dr.Principal Investigator, Research Project C05

Katharina Heck
Dr.-Ing.Postdoctoral Researcher, Management, Research Project A02, Project MGK