SFB 1313 offers a "Scientific Poster Design Course" for its doctoral researchers on 15 February 2023 from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. SFB 1313 doctoral researchers are cordially invied to register!
Concept + Design + Presentation = 100% Knowledge Transfer
Among other challenges researchers are requested to professionally communicate their work and knowledge to a wide range of various audiences by the means of posters and presentations. For this reason, SFB 1313 offers this specific workshop to prepare its young researchers in creating their own scientific posters for live poster sessions or at virtual conferences.
The workshop conveys and trains the major skills how to conceptualize, visualize and finally present scientific content in a target-oriented, accessible and compelling manner and takes into focus how closely design and presentations skills must be linked to successfully convey academic knowledge. Graphic Designer Birgit Lukowski helps our SFB 1313 doctoral researchers to succesfully communicate their knowledge.