- Iryna Rybak (SFB 1313 research project A03 / University of Stuttgart)
- Christoph Schwarzmeier (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg)
- Elissa Eggenweiler (SFB 1313 research project A03 / University of Stuttgart)
- Ulrich Rüde (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg)
The correct choice of interface conditions and effective parameters for coupled macroscalefree-flow and porous-medium models is crucial for a complete mathematical description of theproblem under consideration and for accurate numerical simulation of applications. We considersingle-fluid-phase systems described by the Stokes–Darcy model. Different sets of coupling con-ditions for this model are available. However, the choice of these conditions and effective modelparameters is often arbitrary. We use large scale lattice Boltzmann simulations to validate couplingconditions by comparison of the macroscale simulations against pore-scale resolved models. Weanalyse two settings (lid driven cavity over a porous bed and infiltration problem) with different ge-ometrical configurations (channelised and staggered distributions of solid grains) and different setsof interface conditions. Effective parameters for the macroscale models are computed numericallyfor each geometrical configuration. Numerical simulation results demonstrate the sensitivity of thecoupled Stokes–Darcy problem to the location of the sharp fluid-porous interface, the effectivemodel parameters and the interface conditions.

Iryna Rybak
PD Dr.Principal Investigator, Research Project A03

Elissa Eggenweiler
Alumna: Post-doctoral Researcher, Research Project A03