SFB 1313 Publication by Christian Rohde and Lars von Wolff

November 20, 2020 /

Publication title: "A Ternary Cahn-Hilliard Navier-Stokes Model for two Phase Flow with Precipitation and Dissolution"
Scientific Journal: Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences
[Picture: Lars von Wolff / SFB 1313 / University of Stuttgart]

Our SFB 1313 researchers Christian Rohde and Lars von Wolff, both from the Institute of Applied Analysis and Numerical Simulation of the University of Stuttgart, just published their work in Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences:

"A Ternary Cahn-Hilliard Navier-Stokes Model for two Phase Flow with Precipitation and Dissolution"


We consider the incompressible flow of two immiscible fluids in the presence of a solid phase that undergoes changes in time due to precipitation and dissolution effects. Based on a seminal sharp interface model a phase field approach is suggested that couples the Navier-Stokes equations and the solid’s ion concentration transport equation with the Cahn-Hilliard evolution for the phase fields.

The model is shown to preserve the fundamental conservation constraints and to obey the second law of thermodynamics for a novel free energy formulation. An extended analysis for vanishing interfacial width reveals that in this limit the sharp interface model is recovered, including all relevant transmission conditions. Notably, the new phase field model is able to realize Navier-slip conditions for solid-fluid interfaces in the limit.

SFB 1313 Publication "A Ternary Cahn-Hilliard Navier-Stokes Model for two Phase Flow with Precipitation and Dissolution"

This image shows Christian Rohde

Christian Rohde

Prof. Dr. rer. nat.

Deputy Spokesperson, Principal Investigator, Research Projects A02, B03, C02, Project MGK

This image shows Lars von Wolff

Lars von Wolff


Alumnus: Post-doctoral Researcher, Research Project C02

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