New SFB 1313 publication, published in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics. The work has been developed within the SFB 1313 research project C02.
“Upscaling of a Cahn–Hilliard Navier–Stokes model with precipitation and dissolution in a thin strip”
- Lars von Wolff (University of Stuttgart, SFB 1313 research project C02)
- Iuliu Sorin Pop (Hasselt University, SFB 1313 co-investigator of research project C02 and Mercator Fellow)
We consider a phase-field model for the incompressible flow of two immiscible fluids. This model extends widespread models for two fluid phases by including a third, solid phase, which can evolve due to e.g. precipitation and dissolution. We consider a simple, two-dimensional geometry of a thin strip, which can still be seen as the representation of a single pore throat in a porous medium. Under moderate assumptions on the Péclet number and the capillary number, we investigate the limit case when the ratio between the width and the length of the strip goes to zero. In this way, and employing transversal averaging, we derive an upscaled model. The result is a multi-scale model consisting of the upscaled equations for the total flux and the ion transport, while the phase-field equation has to be solved in cell problems at the pore scale to determine the position of interfaces. We also investigate the sharp-interface limit of the multi-scale model, in which the phase-field parameter approaches 0. The resulting sharp-interface model consists only of Darcy-scale equations, as the cell problems can be solved explicitly. Notably, we find asymptotic consistency, that is, the upscaling process and the sharp-interface limit commute. We use numerical results to investigate the validity of the upscaling when discontinuities are formed in the upscaled model.

Lars von Wolff
Dr.Alumnus: Post-doctoral Researcher, Research Project C02

Sorin Iuliu Pop
Prof. Dr.Participating Researcher, Research Project C02, Mercator Fellow