SFB 1313 Publication "Stable Water Isotopologue Fractionation During Soil-Water Evaporation: Analysis Using a Coupled Soil-Atmosphere Model"

February 17, 2023 /

Authors: Stefanie Kiemle, Katharina Heck, Edward Coltman, and Rainer Helmig | Scientific Journal: Water Resources Research

New SFB 1313 publication (University of Stuttgart), published in Water Resources Research. The work has been developed within the SFB 1313 internal research project I-04.

"Stable Water Isotopologue Fractionation During Soil-Water Evaporation: Analysis Using a Coupled Soil-Atmosphere Model"


The atmosphere-soil system forms a highly coupled system, which makes key processes such as evaporation complex to analyze as the mass, energy, and momentum transfer is influenced by both domains. To enhance the understanding of evaporation processes from soils, stable water isotopologues are suitable tools to trace water movement within these systems as heavier isotopologues enrich in the residual liquid phase. Due to the complex coupled processes involved in simulating soil-water evaporation accurately, quantifying fractionation during flow and transport processes at the soil-atmosphere interface remains an open research area. In this work, we present a multi-phase multi-component transport model that resolves flow through the near-surface atmosphere and the soil, and models transport and fractionation of the stable water isotopologues using the numerical simulation environment DuMux. Using this coupled model, we simulate transport and fractionation processes of stable water isotopologues in soils and the atmosphere by solving compositional flow equations and by using suitable coupling conditions at the soil-atmosphere interface instead of commonly used parameterization. In a series of examples of evaporation from bare soil, the transport and distribution of stable water isotopologues are evaluated numerically with varied conditions and assumptions, including different atmospheric conditions (turbulent/laminar flow, wind speed) and their impact on the spatial and temporal distribution of the isotopic composition. Building on these results, we observed how the enrichment of the isotopologues in soil is linked with the different stages of the evaporation process. A qualitative study is conducted to verify single fractionation processes in our approach.

This image shows Stefanie Kiemle

Stefanie Kiemle

M. Sc.

Doctoral Researcher C-X5, Project MGK

This image shows Katharina Heck

Katharina Heck


Postdoctoral Researcher, Management, Research Project A02, Project MGK

This image shows Kundan  Kumar

Kundan Kumar


Mercator Fellow, Research Project B03

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