New SFB 1313 publication, published in "Transport in Porous Media". The work has been developed by researchers involved in the research projects CX3, C02 and A05.
- Theresa Schollenberger (University of Stuttgart, SFB 1313 associated research project CX3)
- Lars von Wolff (former doctoral researcher, SFB 1313 research project C02)
- Carina Bringedal (Western Norway University of Applied Sciences,Bergen, Norwa, research project A05)
- Iuliu Sorin Pop (Universit of Hasselt, SFB 1313 research project C02)
- Christian Rohde (Universit of Stuttgart, SFB 1313 research project B03 and C02)
- Rainer Helmig (Universit of Stuttgart, SFB 1313 research project A02 and C02)
The development of reliable mathematical models and numerical discretization methods is important for the understanding of salt precipitation in porous media, which is relevant for environmental problems like soil salinization. Models on the pore scale are necessary to represent local heterogeneities in precipitation and to include the influence of solution-air-solid interfaces. A pore-network model for saturated flow, which includes the precipitation reaction of salt, is presented. It is implemented in the open-source simulator DuMux. In this paper, we restrict ourselves to one-phase flow as a first step. Since the throat transmissibilities determine the flow behaviour in the pore network, different concepts for the decreasing throat transmissibility due to precipitation are investigated. We consider four concepts for the amount of precipitation in the throats. Three concepts use information from the adjacent pore bodies, and one employs a pore-throat model obtained by averaging the resolved pore-scale model in a thin-tube. They lead to different permeability developments, which are caused by the different distribution of the precipitate between the pore bodies and throats. We additionally apply two different concepts for the calculation of the transmissibility. One obtains the precipitate distribution from analytical assumptions, the other from a geometric minimization principle using a phase-field evolution equation. The two concepts do not show substantial differences for the permeability development as long as simple pore-throat geometries are used. Finally, advantages and disadvantages of the concepts are discussed in the context of the considered physical problem and a reasonable effort for the implementation and computational costs.