New SFB 1313 publication (University of Stuttgart), published in International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. The paper has been developed in the framework of SFB 1313's research project B01.
"Computational homogenization of higher-order continua"
- Felix Schmidt (University of Siegen)
- Melanie Krüger (University of Siegen)
- Marc-André Keip (University of Stuttgart, SFB 1313 research project B01)
- Christian Hesch (University of Siegen)
We introduce a novel computational framework for the multiscale simulationof higher-order continua that allows for the considerationof first-, second- and third-order effects at both micro- and macro-level. In line with classical two-scale approaches,we describe the microstructure via representative volume elements (RVE) that are at-tached at each integration point of the macroscopic problem. To take account of theextended continuity requirements of independent fields at micro- and macro-level, wediscretize both scales via isogeometric analysis (IGA). Asa result, we obtain an IGA2-method that is conceptually similar to the well-known FE2-method. We demonstratethe functionality and accuracy of this novel multiscale method by means of a series ofmultiscale simulations involving different kinds of higher-order continua.

Marc-André Keip
Prof. Dr.-Ing.Principal Investigator, Research Project B01