New publication (University of Utrecht), published in the journal Transport in Porous Media. The paper has been developed in the framework of SFB 1313.
“A Probabilistic Formulation of the Diffusion Coefficient in Porous Media as Function of Porosity”
- Alraune Zech (University of Utrecht)
- Matthijs de Winter (University of Utrecht, SFB 1313 external partner)
We investigate the upscaling of diffusive transport parameters using a stochastic framework. At sub-REV (representative elementary volume) scale, the complexity of the pore space geometry leads to a significant scatter of the observed diffusive transport. We study a large set of volumes reconstructed from focused ion beam-scanning electron microscopy data. Each individual volume provides us sub-REV measurements on porosity and the so-called transport-ability, being a dimensionless parameter representing the ratio of diffusive flux through the porous volume to that through an empty volume. The detected scatter of the transport-ability is mathematically characterized through a probability distribution function (PDF) with a mean and variance as function of porosity, which includes implicitly the effect of pore structure differences among sub-REV volumes. We then investigate domain size effects and predict when REV scale is reached. While the scatter in porosity observations decreases linearly with increasing sample size as expected, the observed scatter in transport-ability does not converge to zero. Our results confirm that differences in pore structure impact transport parameters at all scales. Consequently, the use of PDFs to describe the relationship of effective transport coefficients to porosity is advantageous to deterministic semiempirical functions. We discuss the consequences and advocate the use of PDFs for effective parameters in both continuum equations and data interpretation of experimental or computational work. The presented statistics-based upscaling technique of sub-REV microscopy data provides a new tool in understanding, describing and predicting macroscopic transport behavior of microporous media.
Matthijs de Winter
Dr. ing.External Partner, Research Project A02