SFB 1313 Publication "A Dynamic and Fully Implicit Non‐Isothermal, Two‐Phase, Two‐Component Pore‐Network Model Coupled to Single‐Phase Free Flow for the Pore‐Scale Description of Evaporation Processes"

April 29, 2021 /

Authors: Kilian Weishaupt and Rainer Helmig
Scientific Journal: Water Resources Research

New SFB 1313 publication (University of Stuttgart) realised within SFB 1313 research project A02 and published in Water Resources Research:

"A Dynamic and Fully Implicit Non‐Isothermal, Two‐Phase, Two‐Component Pore‐Network Model Coupled to Single‐Phase Free Flow for the Pore‐Scale Description of Evaporation Processes"


We couple a dynamic, fully implicit non-isothermal two-phase, two-component pore-network model (PNM) to a free-flow domain where the single-phase flow Navier-Stokes equations with component and energy transport are solved. A monolithic coupling scheme guarantees the conservation of mass, momentum and energy across the coupling interface and allows solving the system without any coupling iterations. We present a numerical example and show that the model is able to temporally resolve the pore-local flow and transport dynamics of an evaporation process.

SFB 1313 Publication "A Dynamic and Fully Implicit Non‐Isothermal, Two‐Phase, Two‐Component Pore‐Network Model Coupled to Single‐Phase Free Flow for the Pore‐Scale Description of Evaporation Processes"

This image shows Kilian Weishaupt

Kilian Weishaupt


Alumnus: Post-doctoral Researcher, Research Project A02

This image shows Rainer Helmig

Rainer Helmig

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. h.c.

Principal Investigator, Former Spokesperson, Research Projects A02, A05, and C02

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