Alixa Sonntag, doctoral researcher at the Institute of Applied Mechanics (Research Project B02), will give her SFB 1313 milestone presentation on "Fracturing porous solids with pore content" on July 16 at 2 pm.
Date: Thursday, July 16, 2020
Time: 2 pm
Title: "Fracturing porous solids with pore content"
Place: online presentation >>> If you are interested in participating in the lecture, please contact
Fluid-driven fractures are frequently used in the energy sector, even though the control of these processes is still widely based on empirical methods. To enlarge the knowledge of the ongoing processes and prevent severe geological consequences, a systematic theoretical understanding of fluid-driven fractures in porous media is crucial. In this talk, a continuum-mechanical model for fluid-driven fracturing in partially saturated porous material is presented on the basis of the Theory of Porous Media and the phase-field approach to fracture. The material is described on the macroscopic scale as an immiscible mixture of three phases, i.e. a solid phase, representing the solid skeleton, and two fluid phases percolating the pore space. The fracturing process is modelled with a phase-field approach, characterising a diffuse crack pattern. Numerical examples showing the coupled processes in partially saturated porous materials are discussed with special regard to the interaction of the fluid phases on a crack propagation.