Around 1000 international researchers from the field of visualization met at this year’s IEEE VIS to exchange views on the latest developments and to discuss current challenges and visions. The conference is considered the largest and most important international platform in this field. The IEEE VIS 2022 took place in Oklahoma City (USA) from 16 to 21 October.
Our SFB 1313 members Thomas Ertl, Guido Reina and Alexander Straub from the Visualization Research Center of the University of Stuttgart (VISUS) and Steffen Frey from the University of Groningen (The Netherlands) presented their research at this venue.
Contributions by SFB 1313 members to IEEE VIS 2022
The following papers by SFB 1313 VISUS researchers were presented:
- Visualization for Architecture, Engineering, and Construction: Shaping the Future of Our Built World. Authors: Moataz Abdelaal, Felix Amtsberg, Michael Becher, Rebeca Duque Estrada, Fabian Kannenberg, Aimee Sousa Calepso, Hans Jakob Wagner, Guido Reina, Michael Sedlmair, Achim Menges, Daniel Weiskopf
- Situated Visual Analysis and Live Monitoring for Manufacturing. Authors: Michael Becher, Dominik Herr, Christoph Muller, Kuno Kurzhals, Guido Reina, Lena Wagner, Thomas Ertl, Daniel Weiskopf
- Droplet-Local Line Integration for Multiphase Flow. Authors: Alexander Straub, Sebastian Boblest, Grzegorz Karch, Filip Sadlo, Thomas Ertl
- A Hybrid In Situ Approach for Cost Efficient Image Database Generation. Authors: Valentin Bruder, Matthew Larsen, Thomas Ertl, Hank Childs, Steffen Frey
- Power Overwhelming: Quantifying the Energy Cost of Visualisation. Authors: Christoph Müller, Moritz Heinemann, Daniel Weiskopf, Thomas Ertl (BELIV workshop)
- Evaluating Situated Visualization with Eye Tracking. Auhtors: Kuno Kurzhals, Michael Becher, Nelusa Pathmanathan, Guido Reina (BELIV workshop)

Thomas Ertl
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dr. techn. h.c. Dr.-Ing. E.h.Alumnus: Principal Investigator, Research Project D01, Project Ö

Guido Reina
Dr.Principal Investigator, Research Project D01
Alexander Straub
M. Sc.Alumnus: Doctoral Researcher, Research Project D01