The Status Seminar 2020 was a great opportunity to recapitulate the research year 2019, to meet and to discuss interdisciplinary SFB 1313 research topics on porous media. During three days, 66 members and friends of SFB 1313 came together in Gültstein / Herrenberg (Germany). Scientists of SFB 1313’s project areas A, B, C, and D presented their research projects, associated research projects, internal research projects as well as the three task forces*. They informed the attendees concerning the research motivation, the status and the goals of the research projects. Additionally, external researchers and guests gave also talks about porous media related topics.
The public relations project “Ö” gave a review about SFB 1313’s public relation activities in 2019 and gave also an outlook about future activities, such as the porous media exhibition “Pretty Porous – Alles Porös”, the science exhibition for a non-scientific public, that will be shown in the Planetarium Stuttgart during the period of June 1 to August 30, 2020.
During the three days there was also enough time to participate in smaller meetings of the project areas. The General Assembly and the Advisory Board also had the opportunity to meet.
Elissa Eggenweiler and Johannes Eller have been re-elected as SFB 1313's Doctoral Researchers' Representatives during the meeting of the doctoral researchers.
Despite the unsteady weather some brave, weatherproof participants formed a "hiking group" and walked to the picturesque old city center of Herrenberg with its half-timbered buildings and also got the chance to taste Herrenberg's best ice cream.
Special thanks go to Stefanie Siegert, who organized this great event as well as Katharina Heck who was the manager during the three days in Gültstein!
* 1. Task Force: Mathematical and computational models
2. Task Force: Experiments
3. Task Force: Software and Data