Review: SFB 1313 Status Seminar 2019, Blaubeuren

March 26, 2019 /

Over 80 members and friends of SFB 1313 participated in the second SFB 1313 Status Seminar that took place from March 20 to 22 in Blaubeuren

The Status Seminar 2019 was a great opportunity to recapitulate the last research year, to meet and to discuss interdisciplinary SFB 1313 research topics on porous media. During three days, over 80 members and friends of SFB 1313 came together in Blaubeuren (Germany). Scientists of SFB 1313’s project areas A, B, C, and D presented their research projects, associated research projects, internal research projects as well as the three task forces*. They informed the attendees concerning the research motivation, the status and the goals of the research projects. Additionally, external researchers gave also talks about porous media related topics.

During the three days there was also enough time to participate in smaller meetings of the project areas. The General Assembly and the Advisory Board also had the opportunity to meet.

During lunch breaks smaller groups took the chance to visit the “Blautopf” of Blaubeuren, the source of the river Blau in the Swabian region of Southern Germany.

Special thanks go to Stefanie Siegert, who organized this great event as well as Katharina Heck who was the manager during the three days in Blaubeuren!


* 1. Task Force: Mathematical and computational models
  2. Task Force: Experiments
  3. Task Force: Softare and Data

Rainer Helmig welcomed all participants and opens the Status Seminar 2019
Attentive listeners of the interdisciplinary research projects
Joachim Groß was the chair of project area A
Miriam Mehl was the chair of project area D. Stefan Scheller presents research project D01
Group picture in front of the Tagungszentrum Blaubeuren
Research posters of the four research areas of SFB 1313
Boyko Gueorguiev-Rüegg, external partner of SFB 1313, was the chair of project area C
View from the "Blaufels" to Blaubeuren
Blautopf in Blaubeuren
Blautopf in Blaubeuren: SFB 1313 members and friends went on a little excursion during lunch break
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