This year, 63 participants attended the annual SFB 1313 status seminar 2021, that took place online. During the three days, the SFB members presented their projects, their results and plans that are hopefully be realised in the near future. The proposal of the second funding period of SFB 1313 (2022-2025) will be submitted in April 2021.
SFB 1313 Project Structure (1st funding period)
Project Area A: Free flow and porous-media flow
- A01: Fluid properties and interfacial properties in confined space from classical density functional theory and molecular simulations
- A02: Advanced modelling concepts for coupling free flow with porous-media flow
- A03: Development of interface concepts using averaging techniques
- A05: Pore scale formulations for evaporation, and upscaling to REV scale
Project Area B: Fracture propagation and fluid flow
- B01: Modelling of hydromechanical fracturing across scales
- B02: Fracturing porous solids with pore content
- B03: Heterogeneous multi-scale methods for two-phase flow in dynamically fracturing porous media
- B04: Hybrid discrete-continuum models for fractured porous media: model choice and random field/network generation
- B05: Hydromechanics of fractures and fracture networks: A combined numerical multi-scale and experimental investigation
Project Area C: Fluid-solid phase change
- C01: A Lattice-Boltzmann investigation of two-phase electrolyte flow in porous structures with morphology alterations and tunable interfacial wetting behaviour
- C02: Upscaling of pore-scale processes involving microstructural evolution
- C03: Modelling of material injection processes into porous structures applied to vertebroplasty
- C04: Control-volume-based approaches to model flow and transport in fractured/fracturing porous media including biological and chemical pore-space alteration
- C05: Process-dependent porosity-permeability relations for fluid-solid reactions in porous media
Project Area D: Benchmarks, computing, and visualization
- D01: Visualization of multi-field processes in porous media
- D02: Parallel numerical coupling methods for interface problems
- D03: Development and realisation of validation benchmarks
Task Forces: Experiments, Mathematical and Computational Models, Software and Data
Project Group Z: Central Services and Training

Rainer Helmig
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. h.c.Principal Investigator, Former Spokesperson, Research Projects A02, A05, and C02

Christian Rohde
Prof. Dr. rer. nat.Deputy Spokesperson, Principal Investigator, Research Projects A02, B03, C02, Project MGK