Samuel Burbulla from the Institute of Applied Analysis and Numerical Simulation (IANS) of the University of Stuttgart is a doctoral researcher and member of the SFB 1313 Integrated Research Training Group "Interface-Driven Multi-Field Processes in Porous Media". He visited Luca Formaggia and Anna Scotti at the MOX at the Politecnico di Milano from 30 August to 1 October 2021 for a research stay.
In research project B03 under supervision of SFB 1313 principal investigator and deputy spokesman Prof. Christian Rohde heterogeneous multi-scale methods for two-phase flow in dynamically fracturing porous media are investigated. In this context, the colleagues in Milan proposed the X-field method for modeling fracture propagation in elastic material coupling a local phase-field model to a global discrete fracture model.
During the research stay, this approach has been generalized to poro-elastic effects and it has been implemented within the conforming discrete fracture framework of SFB 1313 research project B03. It was possible to demonstrate the convergence of the phase-field model to the sharp discrete fracture model. Within an ongoing online collaboration, they aim at a common publication of the results and applying the new method to complex fracture network propagation scenarios.
We thank our hosts in Milan for their hospitality and all scientific discussions!

Samuel Burbulla
Dr.Alumnus: Post-doctoral Researcher, Research Project B03

Simon Emmert
Dr.-Ing.Alumnus: Postdoctoral Researcher, Associated Research Projects C04 and CX1, Project MGK