Publication "On upscaling pore-scale models for two-phase flow with evolving interfaces"

August 19, 2020 /

Authors: Sohely Sharmin, Carina Bringedal, Iuliu Sorin Pop
Scientific Journal: Advances in Water Resources

New publication in cooperation with the Hasselt University (Belgium) and SFB 1313 of the University of Stuttgart, published in Advances in Water Resources:

"On upscaling pore-scale models for two-phase flow with evolving interfaces"


The modelling and simulation of the unsaturated flow or the flow of two immiscible fluid phases in a porous medium is challenging as this flow takes place through the pores of the medium, which form a highly complex domain. Next to the complexity of the domain, a major challenge is to account for the interface separating the fluids, or the unsaturated fluid from the inert filling part, as the location of this interface is not known a-priori. The evolution of this interface depends on the flow of both fluids and of the surface tension. Moreover, the surface tension may depend on the concentration of a surfactant dissolved in one fluid phase. In this work, such aspects are taken into account, and effective, Darcy-scale models are derived based on the known physics at the pore scale. In this sense a thin strip is used as the representation of a single pore in the porous medium. The Darcy-scale models are derived for various regimes, accounting for different pore-scale processes. Numerical examples show that the upscaled models are a good approximation of the transversal average of the solution to the pore-scale models, as the ratio of the width and the length of the pore approaches zero.

Publication "On upscaling pore-scale models for two-phase flow with evolving interfaces"


This image shows Carina Bringedal

Carina Bringedal

Ass. Prof. Dr.

Participating Researcher, Research Project A05

This image shows Sorin Iuliu Pop

Sorin Iuliu Pop

Prof. Dr.

Participating Researcher, Research Project C02, Mercator Fellow

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