SFB 1313 principal investigator Bernd Flemisch from the University of Stuttgart participated in the Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition of the Society of Petrolium Engineers (SPE ATC), that took place from 16 to 18 October 2023 in St. Antonio, Texas (USA). He presented the Special Session 02 together with colleagues from the University of Bergen (Martin Ferno and Jan Martin Nordbotten) and from Stanford University (Anthony Kovscek).
"The 11th SPE Comparative Solution Project"
About the Session
The session provided a concise overview of a recently completed forecasting and validation study conducted on a laboratory-scale proxy geological carbon storage (GCS) system. This study has led to the development of the ongoing 11th SPE Comparative Solution Project (CSP), which serves as a code verification initiative specifically addressing the key challenges associated with GCS. The speakers outlined the CSP, highlighted online resources and data to be submitted, and then opened the floor for audience questions.
The 11th Society of Petroleum Engineers Comparative Solution Project (the 11th SPE CSP, https://spe.org/csp) is motivated by the simulation challenges associated with CO2 storage operations in geological settings of realistic complexity. It contains three versions: Version 11A is a 2D geometry at the laboratory scale, inspired by a recent CO2 storage forecasting and validation study. For Version 11B, the 2D geometry and operational conditions from 11A are rescaled to field conditions characteristic of the Norwegian Continental Shelf. Finally, for Version 11C, the geometry of Version 11B is extruded to a full 3D field model. The CSP has a two-year timeline, being launched at the 2023 SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, and culminating at the 2025 SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference. A community effort is run in parallel to develop utility scripts and input files for common simulators to lower the threshold of participation; see link to supplementary material on the CSP website. At the time of writing, complete input decks for one simulator are already ready for all three versions.