Young female scientists trained their leadership skills during the seminar "Leadership
Development for Female Scientists of the University of Stuttgart" and learned how to lead teams in the academic field. The aim of the seminar, organised by the Institute for Computational Physics of the University of Stuttgart and financed by the gender equality funds of DFG, was to prepare young female scientists for their future role.
The seven participants of two different Collaborative Research Centres (SFB 1313 and SFB 716) received valuable and important tips for their everyday work life at the
university by coaching expert Dr. Sabine Horst of Zentrum für Kompetenzen (Stuttgart) and developed key competences for future managing tasks.
Date and time: July 18, 2018, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Location: ICP Institute for Computational Physics, Campus Vaihingen, Allmandring 3