The University of Stuttgart is one of the leading technically oriented universities in Germany in one of Europe’s most vibrant high-tech and industrial areas. The university is a reliable employer, partner for technology transfer and is committed to the interdisciplinary integration of engineer-ing, natural sciences, humanities, and social sciences based on the fundamentals of cutting-edge research at a disciplinary level.
The Cluster of Excellence EXC 2075 “Data-Integrated Simulation Science (SimTech)” and the Collaborative Research Center CRC 1313 “Interface-Driven Multi-Field Processes in Porous Media – Flow, Transport and Deformation” funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) invite applications for a
Junior Professor for „Advanced Methods in Porous Media“ (f).
This W1-professorship without tenure-track is established to improve the gender balance within the EXC and the CRC and the new female professor will be jointly appointed by the Stuttgart Center for Simulation Science (SC SimTech) and the Faculty 2: Civil and Environmental Engineering. We expect our new colleague to actively participate in SimTech, in the CRC, and in other interdisciplinary projects of the University and the Faculty. Specifically we welcome scientific contributions to the research program of the EXC SimTech Project Network “Data-Integrated Models and Methods for Multiphase Fluid Dynamics“:
- Coupling of free flow and flow in porous media,
- Coupled crack propagation and flow behavior in porous media,
- Phase transition between fluids an solids in porous media,
- Benchmarking, simulation, and visualization of flow, transport or deformation phenomena in porous media.
We are looking for highly motivated female researchers with an early-career track record built on an excellent dissertation, internationally visible publications, and experience in at least one of these fields:
- Mathematical and/or numerical modeling,
- Experimental modeling and analysis,
- Uncertainty quantification for of flow, transport or deformation phenomena in porous media.
The new professor should also contribute to teaching in her broader field of expertise, participate in academic processes and committees, and acquire external project funding.
The requirements for employment listed in § 51 Baden-Württemberg university law (LHG) apply. Junior Professors are appointed for four years, with a possible extension to six years after a positive evaluation.
Please submit your application before September 30, 2022 by e-mail to with one PDF attachment comprising a curriculum vitae, academic degrees and certificates, full list of publications, research and teaching concepts, three selected publications as well as the application form. Applications should be addressed to Prof. Dr. Thomas Ertl, Stuttgart Center for Simulation Science, University of Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 5a, 70569 Stuttgart. Further information and the application form can be found here: Please be aware of the risks regarding confidentiality and the integrity of your application contents when sending your application via unencrypted e-mail.
The University of Stuttgart is an equal opportunity employer and actively promotes the diver-sity of its employees. We strive to hire more female scientists and more academics with an international background. Severely challenged persons will be given preference in case of equal qualifications. The University of Stuttgart has been awarded “family-friendly employer”. Flexible working hours, regular childcare services, and family-networks allow for a better combina-tion of professional and family life. The University of Stuttgart also offers a range of services to enhance social equity ( Additionally, a dual career program is in place to assist partners of those moving to Stuttgart:
Information on the collection of personal data in accordance with Article 13 of the GDPR can be found via the following link:
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