Our SFB 1313 external partner Dorthe Wildenschild from the Oregon State University received the InterPore Honorary Lifetime Membership Award. Congratulations!
About Dorthe Wildenschild
Dorthe Wildenschild is a professor of environmental engineering at the College of Engineering of the Oregon State University, USA, with research focused on flow and transport in porous media, addressing research questions about subsurface water pollution and energy-related storage. Recent work includes the optimization of geologic storage of anthropogenic CO2 in subsurface reservoirs; exploration of colloid-facilitated transport of contaminants in groundwater; microbial enhanced oil recovery; and investigations in support of more effective groundwater remediation techniques.
Her scientific work bridges the gap between the development of highly accurate experiments that can support and augment new theories and the development of numerical models for complex applications in the field of environmental engineering.
Dr. Wildenschild has played a very important role in the development of transformative technology, with an enormous scientific impact. She is a highly motivated environmental engineer, well regarded in the academic community and is an inspiration to a new generation of students.

Dorthe Wildenschild
Prof. PhDExternal Partner