Further DFG funding for SFB 1313 associated researcher Johannes Hommel and his project

April 1, 2021 /

Congratulations to SFB 1313's associated post-doctoral researcher Johannes Hommel, who received a further DFG funding for his research project "Process-specific relations describing the change of hydraulic porous-medium properties due to biogeochemical reactions".

The German Research Foundation DFG approved the research project proposal of SFB 1313's associated post-doctoral researcher Johannes Hommel "Process-specific relations describing the change of hydraulic porous-medium properties due to biogeochemical reactions". The project is to start from 1 April 2021 and will be funded for a period of three years. We congratulate Johannes Hommel for this great success!

About the project

The project aims at enhancing continuum-scale numerical models for flow and transport of solutes and heat coupled with bio-geochemical reactions with applications to induced calcite precipitation (ICP). Microbially, enzymatically, or thermally induced precipitation and biofilm growth are considered. The project plans to use information on system-specific pore-scale processes to improve the continuum-scale description of changes in the hydraulic properties of the porous media resulting from the biogeochemical reactions, making these changes more process- and setup-specific. The aim of the project is to work towards answering the general question of how the effect of pore scale processes can be accounted for in continuum scale models, which is fundamental to accurate and predictive large-scale modeling of coupled pore scales processes.

About Johannes Hommel

Johannes Hommel is a post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Hydromechanics and Modelling of Hydrosystems (LH2) at the Institute for Modelling Hydraulic and Environmental Systems (IWS) of the University of Stuttgart and an associated researcher within SFB 1313.
Johannes Hommel graduated in Environmental Engineering (2011) and in Civil Engineering (2012), both at the University of Stuttgart, where he also received his doctoral degree in 2016. Since February 2016, he works as a Post-Doc at LH2/IWS and since 2017 he is the principal investigator of the DFG project HO 6055/1-1 “Advancing model concepts for engineered calcium carbonate precipitation with focus on multiple driving processes, temperature influence, and two-phase flow”.

C-X2 (2017-2021): "Process-specific relations describing the change of hydraulic porous-medium properties due to biogeochemical reactions"

This image shows Johannes Hommel

Johannes Hommel


Associated Project Leader, Research Project C04, Associated Research Project CX2

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