We are happy to present our two new SFB 1313 Doctoral Researchers’ Representatives Jun Chen and Yann Rivas:
- Jun Chen is a doctoral researcher of SFB 1313 research project D02 and works on the parallel numerical coupling methods, esp. in the coupling library preCICE, for interface problems in porous media simulations. She majored in simulation methods in mechanical engineering during the master study in Dresden and currently works at the Institute for Parallel and Distributed Systems (IPVS).
- Yann Rivas studied Civil Engineering at the University of Stuttgart and now works as a doctoral researcher at the Institute of Applied Mechanics within the SFB 1313 research project B02. In general, he methodicaly develops models for fracturing porous solids with pore content to simulate the occurring coupled fluid-flow phenomena. Currently, he is mainly working on the modelling of mass transport processes of solid particles and solutes using a TPM phase-field approach with included production terms.
The election of SFB 1313 Doctoral Researchers’ Representatives takes place once a year during the SFB 1313 status seminar and entitles them to vote on the Executive Board. They are the contact persons for SFB 1313 doctoral researchers and the task includes as well the organization of the SFB 1313 Summer School.

Jun Chen
M. Sc.Doctoral Student Representative, Doctoral Researcher, Research Project D02
Yann Rivas
M. Sc.Doctoral Student Representative, Doctoral Researcher, Research Project B02