Dr. Stefan Meggendorfer joins the LH2 as an academic staff member

February 9, 2024 /

Since 1st February 2024, Stefan Meggendorfer is working as an academic assistant in the Department of Hydromechanics and Hydrosystem Modeling. He works closely with Bernd Flemisch and supports him as a "Postdoc / Research Software Engineer" in SFB 1313 Project Aread D and in the further development of DuMux.

Stefan Meggendorfer studied mathematics at the University of Heidelberg. In 2023, he received the doctoral degree in the field of "Computational Science & Engineering". As part of his dissertation entitled "Multilevel Schwarz Methods for Porous Media Problems", Stefan Meggendorfer researched the numerical solution of porous and poroelastic materials, developed and implemented efficient solution algorithms, and taught in the field of mathematics and computer science. His research focuses on the preconditioning of mass-conservative finite element discretizations of Biot's consolidation model, as well as high-resolution periodic porous systems. He is currently working on solvers for coupled systems.

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