Doctoral Thesis Defence of Felix Weinhardt

July 7, 2022 /

Dissertation: "Porosity and permeability alterations in processes of biomineralization in porous media - microfluidic investigations and their interpretation" | 7 July 2022 | 2 pm CET

Felix Weinhardt, doctoral researcher at the Department of Hydromechanics and Modelling of Hydrosystems (LH2) of the Institute for Modelling Hydraulic and Environmental Systems, and member within the framework of SFB 1313 and the Integrated Research Training Group IRTG-IMPM, will defend his dissertation: 

Title: "Porosity and permeability alterations in processes of biomineralization in porous media - microfluidic investigations and their interpretation"  
7 July 2022
Time: 2 pm CET
Venue: Pfaffenwaldring 61, MML


Biomineralization can be employed as a promising engineering application with the potential, to seal leakage pathways in the subsurface or to stabilize soils.  As any application, biomineralization requires predictive planning, for which numerical simulations at the scale of representative elementary volumes (REV) are a valuable tool. For that, the considered domain is subdivided into several REV’s, which do not resolve the pore space in detail but represent it by averaged parameters, such as the porosity and permeability. The application of biomineralization in porous media results in a change in porosity which consequently also affects permeability. The change in permeability is usually described as a function of porosity for REV-scale simulations, utilizing some constitutive relationships.

Thus, while REV-scale models are essential tools to support field applications of biomineralization, they inherently rely on porosity-permeability relationships to describe their impact on permeability. However, it is the pore scale where processes occur and from where we expect to obtain increased knowledge on the permeability change due to biomineralization for REV-scale modeling. Recent studies have shown that microfluidics is a suitable experimental technique for exploring the pore-scale characteristics during the biomineralization process. The effect of biomineralization on the hydraulic responses has still not yet been fully understood. This current lack of knowledge motivated our work on porosity and permeability alterations during biomineralization in porous media. Therefore, we studied biomineralization on the pore scale, identifying pore-scale processes and phenomena determining their impact on the change of the REV-scale properties porosity and permeability.

Chair: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Garrecht (University of Stuttgart)
First Supervisor: apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Class (University of Stuttgart)
Secondary Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Robin Gerlach (montana State University)
Secondary Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Steeb (University of Stuttgart)
Secondary Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Johan Alexander Huisman (Forschungszentrum Jülich)

This image shows Felix Weinhardt

Felix Weinhardt


Alumnus: Post-doctoral Researcher, Research Project B04 and B05

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