Call for applications

May 22, 2019

Full-time doctoral position for SFB 1313 research project A05 "Pore scale formulations for evaporation, and upscaling to REV scale"

SFB 1313 invites applications for a full-time doctoral position:

PhD position for 2.5 years, 100% (with possibility of extension), TV-L E13

Project lead
Carina Bringedal

We are looking for
a motivated candidate with a master degree in applied mathematics or similar. Experience with asymptotic analysis and/or thermodynamic modeling is a plus.

Drying and evaporation in porous media is relevant for many engineering processes and for soil cultivation. These processes occur over several scales, where the evolving liquid-gas interface is important to describe the evaporation at the pore scale, while its effect lies on the REV scale. Our goal is to provide a better mathematical description of REV-scale evaporation by starting with a pore-scale description of the relevant processes and using upscaling to derive an effective model at REV scale. The effect of the evolving interface is explicitly taken into account and different approaches to describe the evolving interface at the pore scale will be investigated.

Application deadline
June 28, 2019
Applications can be submitted directly to

Job offer


This image shows Carina Bringedal

Carina Bringedal

Ass. Prof. Dr.

Participating Researcher, Research Project A05

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