Unfortunately, the TryScience-Online-Workshop "Pretty Porous – Alles Porös" is cancelled.
If we take a close look at ourselves and our environment, it becomes pretty visible: somehow almost everything is porous! The soil and the natural subsurface, the human body with skin and hair, various materials such as paper, asphalt or plastic are only a few examples. Whether biology, the environment or technology: porous media are everywhere!
In our online TryScience workshop „Pretty Porous – Alles Porös“ we give insights into the world of porous media und show how current research makes the invisible visible. With the help of the example of "Geothermal Energy", we will show you how the energy of the earth can be used to heat or cool buildings and why simulations play an important role in this field of research. Processes, invisible for our eyes, can easily be visualized in computer models. With these models we can, for example, create simulations and make predictions about the composition of earth and rock layers or determine the flow behavior of the groundwater flowing through them.
After the workshop there is time for a Q&A session. You can ask our doctoral researchers about the study programs "Environmental Engineering" and "Simulation Technology". Be there! Try science!
Date: October 28, 2020
Time: 9 am – 10:30 am

Patrizia Ambrisi
M.A.Public Relations and Science Communication | SFB 1313