SFB 1313 frequently invites guests for seminars, workshops and scientific exchange. This valuable exchange leads to many cooperations, joint projects and publications.
All guests who stay for a longer period of time, are listed below. Some of these guests also contributed to our interview series.
Scientists who visited or will visit SFB 1313 for more than three days
Name | Home Institution | Duration of Stay |
Prof. Al Cunningham |
Montana State University, USA |
18th September 2022 - 23rd September 2022 |
Prof. Majid Hassanizadeh |
Utrecht University, The Nederlands |
25th July 2022 - 5th August 2022 |
Prof. Ivan Yotov |
University of Pittsburgh, USA |
4th June 2022 - 18th June 2022 |
Prof. Philippe Devloo |
UNICAMP, Brasil |
1st May 2022 - 31st July 2022 |
Prof. Costanza Arico |
University of Palermo, Italy |
1st March 2022 - 31st August 2022 |
Chen, Sidian PhD |
University of Arizona, USA |
4th January 2022 - 30th June 2022 |
Name | Home Institution | Duration of Stay |
Prof. dr. Pop, Iuliu Sorin | Hasselt University | 15th November 2021 - 19th November 2021 |
Prof. Hassanizadeh, Majid | Utrecht University, The Netherlands | 15th November 2021 - 19th November 2021 |
Prof. Peter Knabner | University of Erlangen-Nürnberg | 4th October 2021 - 8th October 2021 |
Prof. Hans van Duijn | TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands | 3rd October 2021 - 8th October 2021 |
Prof. Hassanizadeh, Majid | Utrecht University, The Netherlands | 16th July 2021 - 30th July 2021 |
Name | Home Institution | Duration of Stay |
van Leeuven, Johan (M.Sc.) | Utrecht University, The Netherlands | 6th January to 27th January 2020 |
Prof. Mel'nyk, Taras | Taras Shevchenko National University Kyiv, Ukraine | 7th January to 22nd January 2020 |
Prof. van Duijn, Hans | TU Delft, The Netherlands | 23rd March 2020 to 28th March 2020 |
Prof. Cunningham, Al | Montana State University, USA | 30th March to 5th April 2020 |
Sharmin, Sohely (M.Sc.) | Hasselt University, Belgium | 4th April to 24th April 2020 |
Theorosiou, Eleni (M.Sc.) | Hasselt University, Belgium | 4th May to 8th May 2020 |
Prof. Sekhar, Raja | Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India | 16th May to 30th June 2020 |
Prof. Yotov, Ivan | Pittsburgh University, USA | 21st June to 9th July 2020 |
Name | Home Institution | Duration of Stay |
Dr. Yiotis, Andreas | NCSR Demokritos, Athens, Greece | 19th January to 26 January 2019 |
Prof. Nordbotten, Jan | Bergen University, Norway | 29th January to 1st February 2019 |
Prof. Radu, Florin | Bergen University, Norway | 4th February to 8th February 2019 |
Borregales, Manuel (M.Sc.) | Bergen University, Norway | 4th February to 8th February 2019 |
Storvik, Erlend (M.Sc.) | Bergen University, Norway | 4th February to 8th February 2019 |
Tsinober, Avihai (M.Sc.) | Technion, Israel | 15th February to 4th March 2019 |
Ghosh, Tufan (M.Sc.) | Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India | 1st March to 31st May 2019 |
Schout, Gilian (M.Sc.) | Utrecht University, The Netherlands | 3rd March to 20th March 2019 |
Prof. Yotov, Ivan | University of Pittsburgh, USA | 8th April to 7th June 2019 |
Prof. Cunningham, Al | Montana State University, USA | 9th May to 16th May 2019 |
Phillips, Adrienne (Ph. D.) | Montana State University, USA | 13th May to 17th May 2019 |
Rosenzweig, Ravid (Ph. D.) | Geological Survey of Israel, Israel | 27th May to 30th May 2019 |
Prof. Cunningham, Al | Montana State University, USA | 23rd September to 27th September 2019 |
Prof. Hassanizadeh, Majid | Utrecht University, The Netherlands | 6th October to 12th October 2019 |
Prof. Philippe Angot | Université Aix-Marseille, France | 17th November to 23rd November 2019 |
Ghosh, Tufan (M.Sc.) | Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India | 2nd December to 20th December 2019 |
Prof. van Duijn, Hans | Eindhoven University of Technology | 2nd December to 13th December 2019 |
Name | Home Institution | Duration of Stay |
Prof. Bedaux, Dick | Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway | 5th February to 9th February 2018 |
Prof. Kjelstrup, Signe | Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway | 5th February to 9th February 2018 |
Prof. Cunningham, Al | Montana State University, USA | 6th February to 11th February 2018 and 19th October to 26th October 2018 |
Prof. van Duijn, Hans | Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands | 18th June to 29th June 2018 |
Zarikos, Ioannis | Utrecht University, The Netherlands | 9th September to 12th September 2018 |
Dr. Voskov, Denis | TU Delft, The Netherlands | 3rd October to 6th October 2018 |
Dr. Shokri, Nima | The University of Manchester, United Kingdom | 1st October to 31st December 2018 |
Lunowa, Stephan | Hasselt University, Belgium | 13th October to 21st October 2018 |
Koondanibha Mitra | TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands | 17th November to 23rd November 2018 |