Research Structure of SRP "NUPUS"

iNterdisciplinary Union of Porous media research at the University of Stuttgart

The research programme was divided into four research areas (RA). All research projects associated to the SRP "NUPUS" were be assigned to an RA. These research areas had an important impact on the research structure of SFB 1313.

Research Areas

Structure of the Research Progamme

The research programme is divided into four research areas (RA). All research projects associated to the SRP "NUPUS" are  assigned to an RA. The four research ares are:

  • Research Area A: Free flow and porous-media flow interaction
  • Research Area B: Fracture and fluid flow interaction
  • Research Area C: Fluid-solid phase change interaction
  • Research Area D: Simulation methods and tools

Even though, the research is divided into four research areas, those areas and the research therein are strongly interconnected. Fracture dynamics, as investigated within RA-B, are strongly influenced by the coupling of free flow (in the fractures) and porous media flow that is the main subject of RA-A. The fluid solid phase change problems tackled by RA-C may be heavily influenced by the development of sub-scale fractures and therefore link strongly to RA-B. Salt precipitation, which is driven by the winds on top of the subsurface, and the clogging of pore space in the subsurface links RA-A to RA-C. RA-D can deliver important software tools and stochastic methods for addressing the research questions that are posed in all the other research areas.

The research areas of SRP "NUPUS" had an important impact on the research structure of SFB 1313.


This image shows Holger Steeb

Holger Steeb

Prof. Dr.-Ing.

Spokesman, Principal Investigator, Research Projects B05, C05, and Z02, Central Project Z

This image shows Christian Rohde

Christian Rohde

Prof. Dr. rer. nat.

Deputy Spokesperson, Principal Investigator, Research Projects A02, B03, C02, Project MGK

This image shows Beate Spinner

Beate Spinner


Administrative Office

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