Within SRP "NUPUS", the University of Stuttgart signed cooperation agreements with various national and international research institutions. Therein, the cooperation has set its sights on promoting research cooperation with a view to contributing to the advancement of scientific research and technological development in the field of flow, transport and deformation in porous media.
The international environment of SRP "NUPUS" was one basis for SFB 1313.
This is the list of National and International Partners
Organization | Country | Contact Person |
University of Hasselt | Belgium | Pop, Sorin |
ENSEGID, Bordeaux INP | France | Atteia, Olivier |
IRIS, Stavanger | Norway | Kloeffkorn, Robert |
IFPEN, Rueil-Malmaison | France | Faille Isabelle; Valet Gaele |
NCSR Demokritos, Athens | Greece | Yiotis, Andreas |
University of Manchester | United Kingdom | Niasar, Vahid |
Oregon State University, Corvallis | USA | Wildenschild, Dorthe |
Utrecht University | The Netherlands | Hassanizadeh, Majid |
Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh | United Kingdom | Doster, Florian |
Uni Research CIPR, Bergen | Norway | Aavatsmark, Ivar |
Princeton University | USA | Celia, Michael |
University of Hannover | Germany | Neuweiler, Insa |
Gdansk University | Poland | Szymkiewicz, Adam |
ETH Zürich | Switzerland | Or, Dani |
Politecnico di Milano | Italy | Scotti, Anna; Formaggia, Luca |
Montana State University, Bozeman | USA | Cunningham, Al; Gerlach, Robin |
Colorado School of Mines, Golden | USA | Illangasekare, Tissa |
University of Bergamo | Italy | Santini, Maurizio |
Wageningen University | The Netherlands | van der Zee, Sjoerd |
University of Bergen | Norway | Nordbotten, Jan; Berre, Inga; Radu, Florin |
TU Delft | The Netherlands | Hajibeygi, Hadi |
SINTEF, Oslo | Norway | Lie, Knut-Andreas |
University of Oslo | Norway | Mardal, Kent-Andre |
AO Foundation Davos | Switzerland | Gueorguiev-Rüegg, Boyko |
Technical University of Denmark | Danmark | Mosthaf, Klaus |
Hebrew University of Jerusalem | Israel | Schwartz, Nimrod |
Technion | Israel | Furmann, Alex |
University of Arizona, Tucson | USA | Bo, Guo |
University of Texas at Arlington | USA | Smits, Kathleen |
Université Nice Sophia Antipolis | France | Masson Roland |
Uppsala University | Sweden | Tatomir, Alexandru |
University of Tunis, El Manar | Tunesia | Bouhlila, Rachida |
Université Nice, Sophia Antipolis | France | Masson, Roland |
NTNU, Trondheim | Norway | Kjelstrup, Signe |