General Information
May 3-4, 2018
University of Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 61, rooms U1.003 and Seminarraum 2
Members and associated international members of SFB 1313 and IRTG DROPIT are invited to attend the short course. Participants will get 3 credits for attending the course.
The course is free of charge. Possible costs for accommodation or travel expenses cannot be reimbursed.
This course covers the following topics:
- Multiphase flow in porous media (formulation and challenges)
- Finite-volume-based fine-scale computational solution
- Why multiscale?
- Multiscale formulation strateg
- Practical session to develop 1D and 2D Matlab code
- Fractured porous media: Projectioned-EDFM method
- Multiscale vs. upscaling for fractured media
- Deformable porous media: Poromechanics (elastic) at fine-scale and multiscale
- Practical session for FV/FE poro-mechanics (geo-mechanics)
This short course is given by H. Hajibeygi from the TU Delft (Netherlands).