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Short Course "Fracture reactivation and propagation in deforming porous media"

The short course takes place from 5 to 19 February 2021 in the framework of the "Short Course Series: Mathematics of Porous Media" and is given by Inga Berre (University of Bergen). The short cours series is organized by the Porous Media Group of the University of Bergen (Norway).

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General Information

The short course will take place on each Friday from 5 to 19 February 2021, 2-4 pm (CET).

Online short course

This short course series is presented by the Porous Media Group at the University of Bergen, in collaboration with the University of Oslo, Norwegian University of Science and Technology and Simula. The series is supported by RCN project 250223, Wintershall Dea, and Equinor via the Akademia agreement and the VISTA Center for Modeling of Coupled Subsurface Dynamics. 

Send an email to Eirik.Keilegavlen@uib.no, with name, institution and email address. The email should be linked to the Zoom account you will use to access the meeting. Login information for the individual lectures will be sent out no later than lunchtime at the Friday of the lecture.

The course is free of charge. 

Motivated by subsurface deformation, this part of the course series consider deformation and propagation of fractures in porous media. The deformation and propagation of fractures introduce a dynamic change of the fracture network, which interacts with flow, transport and deformation in the fractured porous medium. In the course, we consider conceptual models for fractured and deformable porous media as well as mathematical and numerical modeling of coupled dynamics. We also investigate how models can complement field data in understanding induced dynamics from fluid injection in the subsurface. The lectures will be given by Professor Inga Berre from the University of Bergen.

Prof. Inga Berre, University of Bergen


Inga Berre's main research interests are mathematical modelling, partial differential equations and numerical methods, in particular motivated by simulation of coupled thermal-hydraulic-mechanical processes in fractured geothermal systems. Related to these topics, she currently leads the research projects ERiS funded by The Research Council of Norway (RCN) and she is also WP leader of the RCN Toppforsk project TheMSES. Inga Berre chairs the Joint Program Geothermal, European Energy Research Alliance and she is co-chair of the SET-Plan Implementation Working Group on Deep Geothermal. She is member of the Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences, secretary of the SIAM GS activity group and member of the Interpore Program Committee. 

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