Short Courses

Second year training

Specialised courses given by members and partners of SFB 1313

The second year training of doctoral researchers consists of specialised short courses given by the researchers of the SFB and the international partners. At least 3 credits must be achieved by full and associate members of IRTG-IMPM. For more information on the content of the courses offered by the IRTG-IMPM please scroll further down.

In addition, the doctoral researchers of IRTG-IMPM are invited to attend courses offered by DROPIT and the GS SimTech:

Name of module Credits Instructors Time and place
Courses offered by the International Research Training Group (IRTG) DROPIT 3 see DROPIT website see DROPIT website
Courses offered by the Graduate School of SimTech 3 see SimTech website see SimTech website

Short Course Overview


Name of module Credits Instructors Time and place

DuMux Course 2024

3 Bernd Flemish & the Dumux Developers (University of Stuttgart)

July 17th -19th 2024

Modeling and Simulation of Blood Flow in Microvascular Networks

3 Tobias Köppl (Hasselt University)

26 February to 1 March 2024




Name of module Credits Instructors Time and place

Linear Poro-Elasticity Short Course

1,5 H. Steeb (University of Stuttgart)

12 + 19 + 26 June, and 3 + 10 July 2023, online short course, organised in collaboration with the InterPore Academy

Discretization methods for multiphysics couplings of fluid flow and solid mechanics Short Course

1,5 I. Yotov (University of Pittsburgh, USA)

15 + 17 + 31 May and 14 June 2023, organised in cooperation with SFB 1313 and SimTech

DuMuX Short Course

1,5 B. Flemisch (University of Stuttgart)

3 to 5 April 2023




Name of module Credits Instructors Time and place

Porous Media Free Flow Coupling

1,5 R. Helmig (University of Stuttgart)

14 + 21 + 28 November, and 5 + 12 December 2022, online short course, organised in collaboration with DROPIT and the InterPore Academy

Turbulence inside porous media: physics of fluids and modeling

1,5 X. Chu (University of Stuttgart)

10 to 13 October 2022, Pfaffenwaldring 61, U1.003 (MML), organised in collaboration with DROPIT and SimTech


Name of module Credits Instructors Time and place

Porous Media Free Flow Coupling

1,5 R. Helmig (University of Stuttgart)

8 to 11 November 2021, online short course

Transport of Viruses and colloids in variably-saturated porous media

1,5 M. Hassanizadeh (Utrecht University / University of Stuttgart)

11 - 15 October 2021, online short course

Linear poro-elasticity – From quasi-static consolidation to acoustic waves

1,5 H. Steeb (University of Stuttgart)

27 September to 1 October 2021, online short course

Theory of Poroelasticity

1,5 H. Steeb (University of Stuttgart)

20 + 21 July 2021, online short course.

Experimental Techniques I + II

1,5 D. Lee, M. Ruf, H. Steeb (University of Stuttgart), S. Haber-Pohlmeier (Forschungszentrum Jülich)

6 + 7 July 2021, online short course.

Mathematical Theory for Simulation Practitioners

tba P. Knabner(Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg)


Mesoscale simulations for microfluidic applications

3 J. Harting (Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nürnberg)

 25 + 26 February 2021, online short course.

Fracture reactivation and propagation in deforming porous media


3 I. Berre (University of Bergen)

Fridays, 5 to 19 February, online short course, organized by the Porous Media Group of the University of Bergen (Norway).

Capillarity in Porous Media at Different Scales 3

M. Hassanizadeh (Utrecht University)

12-15 January 2021, online short course in the framework of InterPore.


Name of module Credits Instructors Time and place

Multiscale Modeling and Simulation: Scalable Simulation of Nonlinear Processes in Heterogeneous Fractured Porous Media

3 H. Hajibeygi (TU Delft)

11, 12, 14, and 15 December 2020, online short course in the framework of InterPore.

Homogenization for Porous Media

3 S. Pop (Hasselt University)

Fridays, 27 November to 11 December 2020,  online short course, organized by the Porous Media Group of the University of Bergen (Norway).

Porous Media Free Flow Coupling 3

R. Helmig (University of Stuttgart)

Fridays, 6 to 20 November 2020, online short course in the framework of the "Short Course Series: Mathematics of Porous Media", organized by the Porous Media Group of the University of Bergen (Norway).


Name of module Credits Instructors Time and place

Capillarity in Porous Media at Different Scales

3 M. Hassanizadeh (Utrecht University)

7 to 11 October 2019, Pfaffenwaldring 61, U1.003 (MML) and Pfaffenwaldring 31, 1.103

Fundamentals of Multiphase Flow in Porous Media 3 M. Hassanizadeh (Utrecht University)

3 to 4 June 2019, Pfaffenwaldring 61, U1.003 (MML) and Pfaffenwaldring 31, 1.103

Robust modelling of coupled nonlinear flow and transport processes in porous
media; Introduction to DuMux (short course offered at the InterPore conference 2019)
3 B. Flemisch (University of Stuttgart)

May 6th 2019, InterPore Conference Valencia

Phase field modelling (with Hasselt University) 3 C. Bringedal, C. Rohde (University of Stuttgart)


Solvers for nonlinear and/or coupled problems in porous media 3 F. A. Radu (University of Bergen)

 2 to 8 February 2019, Pfaffenwaldring 57, 2.136


Name of module Credits Instructors Time and place
The mathematics of multicomponent reactive transport and flow models 3

P. Knabner (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg)

11 November to 21 December 2018, Mondays and Tuesdays,
Pfaffenwaldring 57, 2.136 and 8.122 (Dec 3, 4, 11, 18)
DuMuX Course 2018 3 B. Flemisch and LH2 (University of Stuttgart) 18-20 July 2018, Pfaffenwaldring 61, U1.003
SFB 1313 - What are the challenges? 3 R. Helmig (University of Stuttgart) 7 May , 11 June, 18 June, 2 July , 16 July  2018, always 9:30-13:00, Pfaffenwaldring 61, U1.003
Multiscale modeling of flow in deformable fractured heterogenous porous media 3 H. Hajibeygi (TU Delft) 3 to 4 May 2018, Pfaffenwaldring 61, U1.003 and Seminarraum 2


Accommodation for course participants from outside Stuttgart

Universitätsstraße 34
70569 Stuttgart

Römerhof Hotelbetrieb GmbH
Robert-Leicht-Straße 93
70563 Stuttgart

Hotel am Feuersee
Johannesstraße 2
70176 Stuttgart

Alex 30 Hostel
Alexanderstraße 30
70184 Stuttgart

Hotel Pflieger
Kriegerstraße 5-7
70191 Stuttgart

For further information please contact

This image shows Samaneh Vahid Dastjerdi

Samaneh Vahid Dastjerdi


Postdoctoral Researcher, Management, Project MGK, Central Project Z

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