Past Doctoral Workshops
In 2023, two events took place. On February 14, there took place a doctoral meeting before the official doctoral workshop 2023. The February meeting aimed to introduce all new doctoral researchers to SFB 1313 and give everyone time to get to know each other and network.
The doctoral workshop 2023 took place on March 29th after the conclusion of the status seminar.
The doctoral workshop 2022 was aligned with the SFB 1313 status seminar. It was focused on the transition from the previous funding period to the new funding period, introducing SFB 1313 to its new members
The Doctoral Workshop 2021 from April 26- 27th takes place online.
The IRTG-IMPM Doctoral Workshop 2020 took place on September 14 in a hybrid concept. While the doctoral researcher could meet on site at the University of Stuttgart, the Principal Investigators joined online.
The IRTG-IMPM Doctoral Workshop 2019 took place on 19th March 2019 in Blaubeuren, Germany. It was jointly organized with the SFB Status Seminar 2019, which was held from 20th to 22nd March 2019 at the same place.
The program of the Doctoral Workshop 2019 can be found here.
The first doctoral workshop took place from 24th to 26th September 2018 at Bildungshaus St. Luzen in Hechingen. More information about the event and the preliminary programme can be found here.
For further information please contact

Samaneh Vahid Dastjerdi
Dr.-Ing.Postdoctoral Researcher, Management, Project MGK, Central Project Z