Seminar Talks
Aims and Structure
SFB 1313 regularly organizes seminar talks to discuss the current research progress of its researchers and connect with the international research community. In 2021, SFB 1313 established the "Pretty Porous Science Lecture Series". SFB 1313 invites international and interdisciplinary guests that are encouraged to discuss their research in the lecture series. Additionally, doctoral and postdoctoral researchers are also welcome to present their research in this lecture series. Special events are the "Anneliese Niethammer Lectures", that take place twice ayear and which are open to the public and the whole University. During 2020 the lecture series had to be moved online and continued successfully as an online lecture series, then also open to all our international collaborators.
Some of our guests are also interviewed during their stay. The audio interviews give more information about the talks of the guests, about their research and scientific careers.
List of Talks
Date |
Speaker |
Title of Talk |
4 February 2025 |
Eleftheria Antoniou, Technical University of Crete (GRC) |
High pressure technologies for the study of hydrocarbon bioremediation in deep sea |
23 January 2025 |
Ruben Juanes, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge (USA) |
Fluids, Fingers, Fractures and Fractals: Patterns in Porous Media |
21 January 2025 |
Stephan B. Lunowa, Technical University of Munich (GER) |
Solving Linear Poroelasticity with Lattice Boltzmann Methods |
Date |
Speaker |
Title of Talk |
19 December 2024 |
Somnath Bhattacharyya, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (IND) |
Recent advancement on mean-field based theory of microfluidic transport process |
17 December 2024 |
Philippe Angot, Aix-Marseille University (FR) |
On the unsteady Navier-Stokes problem with a nonlinear open boundary condition modeling a singular load |
19 November 2024 |
Farzaneh Nazari, The University of Manchester (UK) |
Implications of Non-Ideal Gas Dispersion for Underground Hydrogen Storage |
18 October 2024 |
Ralf Jänicke, TU Braunschweig (GER) |
Multiscale Computational Modeling of Electro-Chemo-Mechanical interactions in Structural Battery electrode materials |
11 July 2024 |
Bo Guo, University of Arizona (USA) |
Fate and transport of PFAS in the vadose zone across scales: controlling processes, mathematical formulation, and practical modeling approaches |
18 June 2024 (Anneliese Niethammer Lecture) |
Anna Pandolfi, Politechnical University of Milan (IT) |
A coupled approach for diffused fracturing in porous brittle materials |
6 June 2024 |
Stephan Warnat, Montana State University (USA) |
Micro-Sensor Technology for Biofilm Detection |
25 April 2024 |
Gabriel Wittum, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (SAU) |
Simulation of density-driven flow in heterogenous and fractured porous media |
16 April 2024 |
Kundan Kumar, University of Bergen (NOR) |
Flow, geomechanics, and contact mechanics in fractured porous medium |
11 April 2024 |
Maiia Smirnova, University of Stuttgart |
Production of building components out of bio-concrete |
7 March 2024 |
Patrick Kurzeja, TU Dortmund (GER) |
Materials design inspired by rock physics: harnessing local flow in buckling structures |
29 February 2024 |
Marie Gollsch, Institute of Engineering Thermodynamics of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) |
Thermochemical energy storage: Experimental investigations on structural changes in CaO/Ca(OH)2 bulks |
23 January 2024 (Anneliese Niethammer Lecture) |
Prof. Dr. Tiina Roose |
Multiscale Image Based Modelling – My Journey from Maths to Experiments and Back |
Date | Speaker | Title of Talk |
14 November 2023 |
Geir Terje Eigestad (PhD), Wintershall Dea (NOR) | Subsurface, Singularities and CCS |
14 November 2023 PPSL #48 |
Dr. Bastian Köhrer, Dea Wintershall (NOR) | The Maria field story – and the role of reservoir geology |
24 October 2023 PPSL #47 |
Martin Blunt, Imperial College London (UK) | Flow in Porous Media in the Energy Transition |
17 October 2023 |
Catrin Harris, Imperial College London (UK) | Gas trapping dynamics in heterogeneous sandstones imaged using synchrotron time-lapse tomography |
16 October 2023 PPSL #45 |
Prof. Kathleen Smits, Lyle School of Engineering, Texas (USA) | GHG Reduction Opportunities through Detection and Quantification of Belowground Natural Gas Pipeline Leaks |
14 September 2023 |
Dr. Marco Discacciati, Loughborough University (UK) | Modelling filtration through porous media: from domain decomposition towards digital twins |
13 July 2023 PPSL #43 |
Prof. Dr. Sorin Iuliu Pop, Hasselt University (Belgium) | Homogenization of a reaction-diffusion model involving free boundaries at the micro scale |
29 June 2023 |
Prof. Stefan Kollet, Forschungszentrum Jülich | Concepts and Results of terrestrial modeling over the European continent using the Terrestrial Systems Modeling Platform, TSMP |
15 June 2023 |
Prof. Florian Doster, Heriot-Watt University | Challenges (and some solutions) of modelling subsurface flow |
6 June 2023 (Anneliese Niethammer Lecture) | Prof. Ph.D. Małgorzata Peszyńska, Oregon State University (USA) | Modeling and simulation of (thawing) permafrost |
6 June 2023 PPSL #40 |
Prof. Bjørn Hafskjold, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway | Thermodiffusion and Thermo-Osmosis in Pores |
23 May 2023 PPSL #39 |
Dr. Hari Shankar Mahato, IIT Kharagpur (India) | Homogenisation of a poroelastic model for fiber-reinforced hydrogels |
4 May 2023 PPSL #38 |
Dr. Ana Carolina Loyola, École des Ponts ParisTech, France | Coupled hydromechanical models to assess fracture-related permeability changes in reservoirs |
27 April 2023 (InterPore Kimberly-Clark Distinguished Lecture 2023 / PPSL #37) | Prof. Adrian Bejan, Duke University (USA) | Vascular materials: Predicting Design Evolution |
20 April 2023 PPSL #36 |
Prof. Jan Vanderborght, Forschungszentrum Jülich (Germany) | Evaporation and Transpiration from Land Surfaces: Role of Soil and Vegetation Hydraulic Properties |
13 April 2023 PPSL #35 |
Dr. Silvia De Simone, Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research IDAEA, CSIC, Barcelona (Spain) | Coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical processes in the subsurface: tricky aspects, smart solutions, and critical implications |
22 March 2023 PPSL #34 |
Dr. Wim-Paul Breugem from the TU Delft (The Netherlands) | Sedimentation characteristics and rheology of non-colloidal suspensions |
21 February 2023 PPSL #33 |
Prof. Dr. Patrick Jenny, ETH Zurich | Tightly Coupled Hyperbolic Treatment of Buoyant Two-Phase Flow and Transport in Porous Media |
15 February 2023 PPSL #32 |
Prof. Dr. Robin Gerlach, Montana State University (USA) | Using a combination of experimentation and modeling to develop a novel technology from the laboratory to the commercial scale |
10 February 2023 (Anneliese Niethammer Lecture) | Prof. Dr. Monica Riva, Politecnico di Milano (Polimi, Italy) | Multiple Metrics for Sensitivity Analysis: Can they be useful to guide efforts engaged in complex subsurface systems studies? |
Date | Speaker | Title of Talk |
21 December 2022 PPSL #31 |
Prof. Dr. Anna Scotti, Politecnico di Milano (Italy) | A local embedded method for flow in fractured porous media with Artificial Neural Networks |
13 December 2022 PPSL #30 |
Olivier Vincent, Institut Lumière Matière, Lyon, France | Water and solutions in nanoporous media: capillarity, osmosis and phase change |
29 November 2022 PPSL #29 |
Prof. Taras Mel'nyk, National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv, Ukraine | Asymptotic expansion for convection-dominated transport in a thin graph-like junction |
22 November 2022 PPSL #28 |
Mohammadjavad Shokriafra, University of Manchester | How the displacement direction affects the average capillary pressure-saturation curves, with respect to a heterogeneity interface |
15 November 2022 PPSL #27 |
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Geiger, TU Delft | Reservoir modelling for the energy transition |
9 November 2022 PPSL #26 |
Dr. Ivar Stefannson, University of Bergen | Dynamic permeability in fractured porous media |
25 October 2022 PPSL #25 |
Dr. Simon Krause (Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research) | Structural Dynamics in Nanoporous Framework Materials" |
11 October 2022 |
Prof. Phillip Ligrani, University of Alabama, Huntsville (USA) | Rarefaction slip phenomena in helium and air as investigated within a micro-scale viscous disk pump with surface roughness |
30 September 2022 PPSL #23 |
Prof. Dr. Jacques M. Huyghe, University of Limerick (Ireland) and Eindhoven University of Technology (The Netherlands) | Diffusiophoresis: how ants move elephants |
13 September 2022 PPSL #22 |
Costanza Aricò, University of Palermo (Italy) | Investigation of free fluid over porous media. A novel numerical solver for One-Domain-Approach |
21 July 2022 (Anneliese Niethammer Lecture) | Prof. Dr. Laura De Lorenzis, ETH Zurich | Phase-field modeling and simulation of desiccation-induced cracking |
30 June 2022 PPSL #21 |
Prof. Philippe Devloo, University of Campinas (Brazil) | On the numerical modeling of the Brinkman equations using hybridized H(div) approximations |
12 May 2022 PPSL #20 |
Sidian Chen, University of Arizona | Compositional two-phase flow & phase behavior in nanoporous shale rocks: pore-level physics, network modeling, and upscaling |
5 May 2022 PPSL #19 |
Stephan Gärttner, Department of applied Mathematics, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg | Efficiency and Accuracy of Micro-Macro Models for Two-Mineral Reactive Systems |
28 April 2022 PPSL #18 |
Prof. Marie E. Rognes, Simula Research Laboratory | Mathematical modelling of human brain transport: from medical images to biophysical simulation |
28 April 2022 PPSL #17 |
Prof. Dr. Joaquin Jiminez-Martinez, ETH Zurich | The coupling of processes in the subsurface key for protection of resources and life-sustaining: A microscale view |
21 April 2022 PPSL #16 |
Prof. Marios Valavanides, Department of Civil Engineering, University of West Attica | Flow Dependent Relative Permeability Scaling for Steady-State Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media: Laboratory Validation on a Microfluidic Network |
22 February 2022 PPSL #15 |
Prof. Matthias Möller, TU Delft | Efficient solution techniques for isogeometric analysis |
8 February 2022 PPSL #14 |
Prof. Ester Simoes B Ferreira, TH Köln | Current challenges in the consolidation of porous paint layers |
25 January 2022 PPSL #13 |
Ass. Prof. Dr. Bo Guo, University of Arizona | Long-term retention and leaching of PFAS in the vadose zone: controlling processes, mathematical formulation, and practical modeling approaches |
20 January 2022 PPSL #12 |
Prof. Dr. Jacques M. Huyghe , University of Limerick (Ireland) and the Eindhoven University of Technology | The heart: the only pump the failure of which cannot be assessed through stress analysis |
Date | Speaker | Title of Talk |
7 December 2021 PPSL #11 |
Dr. Alexander Heinlein, TU Delft | Surrogate Models for Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations Using Convolutional Autoencoder Neural Networks and Physical Constraints |
9 November 2021 PPSL #10 |
Prof. Dr.-Ing Philippe Ackerer, Ph.D, University of Strasbourg (France) | Darcy or not Darcy, that is the question |
19 October 2021 (Anneliese Niethammer Lecture) | Ass. Prof. Dr. Maja Rücker, Eindhoven University of Technology | Flow in sub-surfaces reservoirs – from molecular interactions to fluid dynamics |
7 October 2021 PPSL #9 |
Prof. Dr. Nima Shokri, Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) | Drying dynamics of drops of complex fluids |
22 July 2021 PPSL #8 |
Ass. Prof. Dr. Alraune Zech, Utrecht University, The Netherlands | Predicting Transport at Heterogeneous Sites: Does THE model exist? |
13 July 2021 (Anneliese Niethammer Lecture) | Prof. Dr. Barbara Wohlmuth, TU Munich | The challenge of non-local operators and mixed dimension in simulation and modelling |
10 June 2021 PPSL #7 |
Ass. Prof. Dr. Steffen Frey, University of Groningen, Netherlands | Visualization of Multifield Data: Layouts, Features, and Systems |
18 May 2021 PPSL #6 |
Maria Wetzel, GFZ German Research Center for Geoscience | Hydraulic and mechanical effects of pore space alterations quantified by digital rock physics |
11 May 2021 (Excellence in Dialogue, organised by the University of Stuttgart) | Margot Gerritson, University of Stanford, USA | Nou breekt mijn klomp – 40 years of adventure in STEM |
6 May 2021 PPSL#5 |
Dr. Markus M. Knodel, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, France | Global implicit solver for multiphase multicomponent flow in porous media with multiple gas components and general reactions |
24 March 2021 PPSL#4 |
Prof. Rainer Helmig | From the brain to the fuel cell – porous media are everywhere |
2 March 2021 (Anneliese Niethammer Lecture) | Prof. Dorthe WIldenschild, Oregon State University | Contact Angle Hysteresis in Multi-Phase Flow |
25 February 2021 |
Prof. Jens Harting, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg / FZ Jülich | Suspensions of soft capsules: rheology and multiphase flows |
23 February 2021 (InterPore Kimberly-Clark Distinguished Lecture 2023 / PPSL #2) |
Prof. Muhammad Sahimi, University of Southern California | Porous Media, Small and Large: From Atomistic Modeling of Nano-porous Membranes to Modeling of Flow and Transport in Geological Formations |
2 February 2021 PPSL #1 |
Prof. Veerle Cnudde, Ghent University | Unravelling pore-scale processes in geomaterials |
Date | Speaker | Title of Talk |
22 December 2020 | Theresa Kurz (LH2) | Evaporation driven salt precipitation in porous media |
8 December 2020 | Prof. Michael Ortiz (California Institute of Technology) | Multiscale modeling of hydraulic fracture |
8 October 2020 | Farid Mohammadi | Development and Realization of Validation Benchmarks |
29 July 2020 (Pretty Porous Public Lecture) | Prof. Miriam Mehl | Mehr Erkenntnis durch schlaues Rechnen? Chancen und Grenzen der Simulation |
22 July 2020 (Pretty Porous Public Lecture) | Prof. Christian Rohde | Netzwerke, Fraktale, Schockwellen: Mathematischer Small Talk mit porösen Medien |
16 July 2020 | Joseph Piotrowski | Process-dependent porosity-permeability relations for fluid-solid reactions in porous media |
16 July 2020 | Alixa Sonntag | Fracturing porous solids with pore content |
15 July 2020 (Pretty Porous Public Lecture) | Prof. Holger Class | Die Nutzung des Untergrunds für die Energieversorgung |
8 July 2020 (Pretty Porous Public Lecture) | Prof. Rainer Helmig | Vom Gehirn zur Brennstoffzelle: Poröse Medien sind überall |
1 July 2020 (Pretty Porous Public Lecture) | Prof. Oliver Röhrle | Poröser Mensch. Von den Wirbeln zu den Muskeln |
24 June 2020 (Pretty Porous Public Lecture) | Prof. Holger Steeb | Löcher im Beton |
18 June 2020 (Anneliese Niethammer Lecture Series) | Prof. Ingrid Kögel-Knabner (TU München) | Mineral surfaces and organic matter accumulation in soils |
5 June 2020 | Sebastian Reuschen (LS3) | Markov chain Monte Carlo Methods for Bayesian Inversion of Groundwater Flow in Porous Media |
11 May 2020 | Elissa Eggenweiler (IANS) | Development of interface concepts using averaging techniques |
7 May 2020 (talk given via webex) | Prof. Jochen Schütz (Hasselt University) | A parallel-in-time IMEX multiderivative method |
30 April 2020 | Felix Weinhardt (LH2) | Induced calcite precipitation in porous media - numerical and experimental investigations of porosity/permeability alteration on different scales |
28 April 2020 | Daniel Kienle (MIB) | Towards efficient phase-field simulations of fracturing in poro-elastic-plastic solids |
17 April 2020 | Edward Coltman (LH2) | Evaporation Across the Soil-Atmosphere Interface: Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Turbulence and Interfacial Forms |
16 April 2020 | Zubin Trivedi (MIB) | Modelling of material injection processes into porous structures applied to vertebroplasty |
3 February 2020 (Darcy Lecture) | Maxwell Reed (Colorado School of Mines)) | Hydrology in the supercomputing age: How computational advances have revolutionized our field, and what big data and massively parallel simulations mean for the future of hydrologic discovery |
30 January 2020 | Prof. Massimo Rolle (DTU Copenhagen) | Transport and mixing in saturated porous media |
21 January 2020 | Johan van Leeuwen (Utrecht University) | Biodegradation of contaminants in the saturated subsurface |
14 January 2020 | Taras Mel'nyk (National University of Kyiv) | Asymptotic approximations for eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of a spectral problem in a thin graph-like junction with a concentrated mass in the node |
Date | Speaker | Title of Talk |
16 December 2019 | Johannes Eller (ITT) | Adsorption in heterogeneous porous media |
3 December 2019 | Prof. Hans van Duijn (TU Eindhoven) | On the equations of nonlinear single-phase poroelasticity |
2 December 2019 | Cynthia Michalkowski (LH2) | Modelling the liquid water transport through the porous layers on the cathode side of a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEM FC) |
26 November 2019 | Prof. Varios Valavanides (University of West Attica) | A new theoretical framework for two-phase flows in porous media – Recent advances and prospectives |
19 November 2019 | Prof. Philippe Angot (Université Aix-Marseille) | Mathematical modelling and analysis towards the open problem of inertial flow at a fluid-porous interface |
19 November 2019 | Dr. Tobias Köppl (TU München) | Generation of artificial microvascular networks using 3D-1D coupled models for blood flow and oxygen transport |
12 November 2019 | Ivar Stefansson (University of Bergen) | Modelling thermo-hydro-mechanics in fractured porous media |
5 November 2019 | Lars von Wolff (IANS) | A Cahn-Hilliard Navier-Stokes model for two phase flow with precipitation and dissolution |
29 October 2019 (Anneliese Niethammer Lecture Series) | Prof. Inga Berre (University of Bergen) | Mathematical and numerical modelling of process-structure interaction in fractured geothermal reservoirs |
22 October 2019 | Samual Burbulla (IANS) | Two-phase flow in dynamically fracturing porous media |
20 August 2019 | Prof. Taras Mel'nyk (University of Kiew) | Asymptotic approximation for the solution to a semilinear problem in a thin graph-like junction |
25 July 2019 | Kilian Weishaupt (LH2) | Including pore-scale slip velocities at the interface between free flow and a coupled pore-network model |
27 June 2019 | Cynthia Michalkowski (Bosch/LH2) | Modeling gas diffusion layers (GDLs) in a polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cell using pore network modelling |
6 June 2019 | Prof. Florian Frank (University of Erlangen) | Enforcing discrete maximum principles in discontinuous Galerkin schemes with application to phase-field methods |
28 May 2019 | Ravid Rosenzweig (Ph.D.) (Geological Survey of Israel) | Monitoring and reclamation of soil hydrophobicity of oil-contaminated soils in Evrona nature reserve, Israel |
16 May 2019 (Anneliese Niethammer Lecture Series) | Adrienne Phillips (Ph.D.) (Montana State University) | Biofilm-Induced Mineral Precipitation: A Journey from Laboratory to Field |
16 May 2019 (ICP Colloqium) | Dr. Alexander Schlaich (University of Grenoble) | Coupling of Adsorption and Transport in Hierarchical Porous Media |
25 April 2019 | Prof. Ivan Yotov (University of Pittsburgh) | Stokes-Biot modeling of flow in fractured poroelastic media |
16 April 2019 | Dr. Lucas Pimienta (Marie Curie Fellow, EPFL Lausanne) | Frequency dependence of elastic properties in rocks: Implications for field geophysics |
4 April 2019 | Dr. Klaus Mosthaf (Technical University of Denmark) | Experimental and modeling investigations of solute transport in fractured porous media |
18 February 2019 (ICP-Kolloquium) | PD Dr. Andreas Menzel (University of Düsseldorf) | Mediated interactions and many-particle statistical physics in complex systems of soft matter |
5 February 2019 (Anneliese Niethammer Lecture Series) | Prof. Insa Neuweiler (University of Hannover) | Data assimilation with soils and the question of the length scales |
30 January 2019 (Simtech Colloquium) | Prof. Jan Nordbotten (University of Bergen) | Mixed-dimensional modeling and simulation |
22 January 2019 | Dr. Andreas Yiotis (NCSR Demoktritos, Athens) | Effective steady-state flow regimes during the stranding and mobilization of NAPL ganglia within stochastically reconstructed porous domains |
22 January 2019 | Prof. Peter Grathwohl (SFB 1253, University of Tübingen) | Catchments as reactors: Metabolism of pollutants on the landscape scale |
Date | Speaker | Title of Talk |
27 November 2018 | Prof. Luca Formaggia and Dr. Anna Scotti (Politecnico di Milano) | Some mathematical and numerical issues in the modeling of fault reactivation |
20 November 2018 | Mark Khait (TU Delft) | DARTS: Delft Advanced Reservoir Terra Simulator |
20 November 2018 | Koondanibha Mitra (TU Eindhoven) | Wetting fronts in unsaturated porous media |
17 November 2018 | Prof. Majid Hassanizadeh |
Non-equilibrium capillarity effect at different scales |
17 November 2018 | Prof. Jan Nordbotten |
Vertical integration and CO2 storage: From a simple idea to practical simulation tools and new mathematics |
17 November 2018 | Prof. Sorin Pop |
Iterative methods for the numerical simulation of porous media flows |
17 November 2018 | Dr. Nima Shokri |
Water table depth and soil salinity: A multi-scale analysis |
30 October 2018 | Dr. Rafid Al-Khoury (TU Delft) | A Computational Approach for Poromechanics |
26 October 2018 | Prof. Jan Carmeliet (ETH Zürich) | Droplet impacting porous media, towards understanding rain deposition in the built environment |
25 October 2018 | Katharina Heck (LH2) | Nonequilibrium processes in coupled free-flow porous-medium systems |
4 October 2018 | Prof. Denis Voskov (TU Delft) | Modeling of dissolution and precipitation in porous rock at different scales |
18 September 2018 | dr. Matthijs de Winter (Utrecht University) | Scanning Electron Microscopy (FIB-SEM) and electrical resistor networks |
17 September 2018 | Dennis Gläser (LH2) | Finite volume-based discrete fracture modelling of flow, transport and deformation in fractured porous media |
11 September 2018 | Ioannis Zarikos (Utrecht University) | Velocity distributions in trapped and mobilized non-wetting phase ganglia in porous media |
5 September 2018 | Prof. Allen G. Hunt (Wright State University) | Soil formation from percolation concepts as related to chemical weathering |
24 July 2018 | Prof. Suzanne Hurter (University of Queensland) | Gas from coal in Australia |
12 July 2018 (Women's Lecture Series) |
Prof. Miriam Mehl (University of Stuttgart) | Quasi-Newton – A universal approach for coupled problems and optimization |
27 June 2018 | Prof. Hans van Dujin (TU Eindhoven) | Wetting fronts in porous media with capillary hysteresis and dynamic effects |
25 June 2018 | Simon Scholz (LH2) | Developing and calibrating a numerical model for Microbially Enhanced Coal-Bed Methane (MECBM) Production |
21 June 2018 | Dr. Ovie Emmanuel Eruteya (University of Geneva) | Subsurface fluid flow dynamics in the Southern Levant Basin, SE Mediterranean and its implication on carbon capture and geological storage |
7 June 2018 | Georg Futter (Institute of Engineering Thermodynamics, DLR Stuttgart) | Physical modeling of PEMFC performance and chemical membrane degradation |
17 April 2018 | Dr. Robin Gerlach (Montana State University, Bozeman) |
Controlling biofilm- and mineral-formation in fractures and porous media |
9 March 2018 | Dr. Kartik Jain (University of Zürich) |
Computational modeling of Physiological Flows using the Lattice Boltzmann Method |
6 February 2018 | Prof. Signe Kjelstrup (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU) | Transport in porous media: a challenge for Thermodynamics |

Samaneh Vahid Dastjerdi
Dr.-Ing.Postdoctoral Researcher, Management, Project MGK, Central Project Z